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John's POV

*Time Skip: Next Morning*

I woke up the next morning in Karkat's arms. We were both shirtless and nothing had ever felt so perfect. I heard Abby and Amy yelling downstairs about the fourth wall. Abby must've broken the wall in the living room. They are very weird, but that's why we love them. I sat up and picked my shirt up off the floor. No, we didn't do it. I was just too tired to put my shirt in the hamper. Karkat stirred and looked up at me.

"Hey sleepyhead." I said, smiling.

"Not my fault you wake up at the crack of dawn." He said, smiling back. We slept in a spare room and Jade spent the night in Abby's room. Karkat sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "What's today?" He said. I picked up my phone and checked the date.

"April 13th." I said.

His eyes widened. "Oh shit."

"What?" I said.

"It's your wriggling day! Um, I mean, it's your birthday!" He said, spreading his arms wide in a big gesture. "You're eighteen! Now we can get our own place!" A big grin spread across Karkat's face. I smiled back.

"Ok. Let the house hunting begin."

*Time Skip: One Month Later*

"Well, Karkat, this is our new house." I exclaimed, spreading my arms wide. Karkat looked around.

"It's great! It might just be a small apartment, but it's perfect." He said, pulling me into a hug. "You're perfect." He said, before kissing me.

Ding Dong

"I'll get it," I said, pulling away from Karkat. I walked to the door and opened it to find a little envelope on the floor in front of our apartment. I picked it up and retreated back into the house. When I got back to Karkat, I holded it up and his face contorted in confusion. I beckoned him over and he looked over my shoulder while I opened the envelope. This is what it said:

Hey gayboy-

Guess who?

I hope your little boyfriend and you enjoy your little time away. Who knows when it'll be taken away?

I know where you live.

So does your dad.

Oh, did I mention I paid his bail? He's been out for a while and we've been planning how to get his son back.

You left without saying goodbye to your poor father.

He's very mad.

Don't try to hide or run away. Remember that your dad gave you your precious phone and even if you get rid of it, we'll find you.


And again.

You can run, but you can't hide. And eventually, you won't be able to run anymore.

Then we'll find you and your precious Karkat.

First, we'll let him watch you die. We'll do it nice and slow and make sure it's painful.

And after that?

We'll give him the same treatment his old boyfriend gave all of their friends.

And what we gave to you.

All of those years of abuse will happen to him. We'll keep him alive for a long time.

Then, we'll kill him too.

It won't be long.

Bye-bye Johnnyboy

Dave and your dad

P.S If you hand this in to the police, we'll know. Your father made some friends while he was in jail.

I dropped onto my knees and stared at the paper. Karkat paced back and forth next to me.

"There has to be some way. I mean, there's no way the police won't help us. Come on, we have to leave, we have to go." He said, grabbing his jacket and grabbing my arm, trying to pull me off of the floor.

"No." I whispered.

"What?" He said, looking at me.

"No!" I yelled, before breaking down in sobs. I didn't care about myself, but I didn't want them doing to Karkat what they did to me. All of those years.... He won't survive. If they don't break him physically, they'll break him mentally like they did to me. "They found me, they fucking found me," I sobbed into my arms.

"John, hey, babe, look at me. We'll be okay. There has to be something we can do. We can't just give up." He said, pulling my head up and making me look him in the eye.

"No! There's nothing we can do. Didn't you read it? The only way for you to stay safe is for you to leave me!" I yelled, ripping myself away from him.

"No! John, what the fuck makes you think that I would leave you to die? I refuse to leave you. If one of us dies, both of us die!" Karkat roared.

"This isn't a fucking fanfiction, this is real life! You need to leave!" I yelled back.

"Put your coat on." Karkat said, throwing my coat at me. I put it on and sat on the couch. "Come on. We need to leave." He said pulling me up. I gave in and followed him to his car. He opened my door and I got in. He got in on the driver's side and turned on the car. "Before we go, give me your phone." I handed over my phone and he took it and put it in the middle of the parking garage. He then drove out and started driving north.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my friend's house. It's time I paid her a visit." Karkat said.

Guess we're now two guys on the run.

A/N: Hey guys! So that's the epilogue. Sorry it's not just rainbows and unicorns, I needed to leave a way to be able to actually make a sequel with plot. I don't want my sequel to be a crappy unneeded thing.

Anyway, it'll be up soon. I have two name ideas.

Those Men

On The Run

I personally really like On The Run, but I want your guys's opinions.

So until the next book, bye guys!


That Boy (JohnKat)Where stories live. Discover now