Run, Karkat, Run!

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John's POV

I woke up the next morning and I was momentarily confused as to why I was in the basement with Karkat in my arms. Then it all came flooding back. I sat there for a few minutes trying to think of what to do. I finally decided to wake Karkat up so I shook him awake.

"Karkat, hey, wake up" He woke up with a jerk and sat up, looking around confused. I could see the realization in his eyes as it sank in. He turned around and looked at me.

"What the hell are we going to do?" He whispered.

"I have an idea. Just trust me." I said as I stood up.

"Okay." I turned and walked upstairs and checked if my dad was awake. He was still passed out in his bed. I went back to Karkat and untied him. He stood up and rubbed his wrists since my dad tied the rope really tightly. I smiled nervously.

"What do you have up your sleeve, Egbert?" Karkat asked suspiciously. I shook my head and put my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. I ushered him up the stairs to my room and I pulled his shirt off, examining his bruises. The severe ones were where I smacked him and a big circle on his stomach. I traced it lightly and he winced. He was very pale so it was easily noticeable. I pulled out some painkillers from my bedside drawer and gave him two.

"Here. Take these and wear one of my outfits. You can't leave wearing this or people will be suspicious and ask questions." I said, giving him the pills and pulling out a t shirt and some jeans.

"What do you mean, leave? You're coming with me, right?" Karkat said eyeing me suspiciously. I ignored him and packed him a duffel bag of my clothes and his old ones. "John. Don't ignore me." He said, pulling my clothes on. I pulled out my piggy bank and pulled out the $50 I'd been saving. I gave it to him silently and resumed my work.

"John!" He said, grabbing my arm.

"What?!" I snapped.

"What the fuck is going on right now?" He demanded. I sighed and responded "You're going to leave my house and get on the next bus out of this town. I don't care where. You'll get as far away from me as you can and never look back." I zipped up the duffel bag and walked into my living room and sat down on the disgusting couch.

"I'm not leaving you! Your dad will be worse than ever because you let me go! If I go, you're coming with me." He stated.

"Don't you fucking umderstand?! My dad will do his best to kill you! He killed my mom and he damn sure wants to kill me. What makes you any different? I don't want you to get hurt, and if you stay with me, or if I go with you, that's all that's going to happen! You need to go!" I screamed, not even caring if my dad hears. Who cares? I'm screwed anyway.

"Don't you understand? I'm fucking in love with you!" He yelled. We both froze as we heard my dad's door creak down the hall.

"What the hell is going on?" He bellowed, making his way down the hall. I grabbed the duffel bag and threw it at Karkat. I pushed him towards the door and shoved him out.

"Run Karkat! Don't come back!" I insisted. He looked at me with a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes. He kissed me and everything slowed down. He turned and ran as I pushed the door closed and turned around to see my fuming dad.

"Morning Dad." I said nervously

"Come with me, John." I swallowed.

I am so fucked.
A/N Hey guys! Merry Christmas, I guess. (or if you don't celebrate, Happy Holidays) I got upset myself while writing but it needed to be done. There'll be about two or three angst filled chapters after this but it'll be good eventually. I just felt this was needed to advance the plot further and it's pretty realistic.

Idk don't listen to me I'm running on four hours of sleep.
(Not even kidding. I went to bed at 10 and woke up at 2 and I wasn't able to fall back asleep.)
Check out my other fics please! I'm really excited for my gxg.
Please don't kill me vriskaaaaaaaa
Love ya, my Fandom Kids!
P. S Shoutout to ultimatepoptartgamer for their amazing fanart (Seriously it's awesome.) :)

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