Why Does My Life Suck?

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When I walked into hell, I mean, school on the first day, I knew immediatly, that it wouldn't mean 'I rule the world!', it would mean that it would be another year of torture, but worse because now all the other boys are strong, yet I'm over here weak. Oh, yeah and the kid that everyone hates.

"Oh, look, the faggot's back!" I heard from around the corner. I looked up and saw Dave Strider sauntering towards me. We used to be best friends, but I came out, and he turned his back on me. "Johnny, aren't you gonna say something?" Dave said, now in front of me.

"Leave him alone"

I whipped around, startled. I saw the boy who came to school last year. What was his name? Oh, yeah!

"Hi, Karkat!" I said.

"Aw, did wittle Johnny get himself a boyfriend?" Dave mocked.

My face flushed red. "Look, he's blushing!" Dave said, laughing. I looked to see Karkat's reaction and he looked disgusted.

"What? I'm not his fucking boyfriend!" He exclaimed. I looked down in shame. How could I think that he could like me? He probably didn't want to hear Dave running his mouth.

That Boy (JohnKat)Where stories live. Discover now