Call The Cops!

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Karkat's POV

I ran from John's house, my mind running with thoughts. What's going to happen? Will John be alright? Was I going too fast? Are we going too fast?

I didn't stop running until the sun was about to set. I looked around but I had no idea where I was. It looked like I was still in my town, since it's a fucking huge town, but it seemed like the rich side which is pretty far from where Terezi and I live. And John. Oh god, John. I hope he's okay. Knowing his dad, he probably isn't. God damn it, Karkat, shut up. I go up to the friendliest (is that a word?) looking house and rang the doorbell. A short girl with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes answered the door.

"Um, hi, I'm Karkat. Sorry to impose, but my parents just kicked me out, so can I come in?" I lied

"Uh, okay, I guess." She responded, opening the door wider. "I'm Amy." I walked inside.

"This is a nice house!" I commented looking around in wonder.

"Amy, who's there?" A female voice yelled from down the hall.

"Some dude named Karkat. Get over here!" Amy yelled back. A girl who was much taller than Amy with short curly reddish brown hair and hazel eyes walked down the hall and slung her arm around Amy's shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Abby. I'm Amy's cousin. Nice to meet you." Abby said, sticking out her hand for me to shake. I timidly shook her hand and she gasped. "Holy shit, Amy, isn't a character in Homestuck named Karkat?" Amy's eyes widened and she smacked Abby's arm.

"Way to break the fourth wall! God, Abby, shut up." Amy scolded. I furrowed my brow in confusion as Abby scowled, rubbing her arm. I walked into their kitchen where they had a breakfast bar with spinning chairs. Abby jumped on one, picking up up a white tablet while Amy started fussing over me. "Are you okay? Do you have any injuries?" She said, examining me.

"I'm fine." I said, still in shock by these odd girls.

Abby suddenly squealed. "Ooh! Amy, someone commented on my story on Wattpad!"

"What the hell is a Wattpad?" I asked, completely and utterly confused. These girls are something else.

"Oh, Wattpad is this thing where people write stories and read stories and comment on them. I have three stories. One is just for my random musings and poems and shit, one is a lesbian story called Dear Diary and the last one is a Doctor Who story which I don't really write anymore." Abby took a deep breath at the end of her last sentence.

"Abby!" Amy screeched. At some point while I was talking to Abby, Amy had left the room.

"What?!" Abby yelled back.

"Where's the male clothing?!" Amy screamed.

"I don't know! Just grab my collared shirt! It'll fit him!" Abby yelled.

"Where the fuck is it?!" Amy called. Abby groaned and got off the chair.

"Stay here, Karkat, I'll be right back. Make yourself at home." Abby said while running up the stairs. I've decided that I like those girls as weird as they are.

I walked into their living room, sat on their couch and turned on the TV. I saw this show called Sherlock was on and I was very curious. This tall guy with curly hair was sitting in front of a fire and he seemed pretty crazy. Abby came back down and saw that I was watching it.

"Ah, The Hounds Of Baskerville. I love this episode, though it's pretty fucked up." She laughed. "So, Karkat, why are you here?"

"Well," I said, "It's pretty messed up,"

"Ooh, I love a good story. Spill." She demanded. I told her the whole story. From the first day of senior year to just a few hours ago.

"So I ran until I ended up here and here we are." I finished, taking a huge breath. Amy had come down a few minutes after I'd started.

"Oh jeez, Karkat. That sucks." Abby said, making a face. "Yo, is it okay if I write about this on Wattpad?"

"FOURTH WALL!" Amy screeched. Abby stuck her tounge out and scowled. "In all seriousness, Karkat, you need to fucking call the cops." Now it was my turn to make a face. "Hey, stop that. This man abuses the apparent love of your life and he kidnapped you. Don't you want him behind bars? I'm sure John would appreciate it." Amy scolded me. I sighed.

"I guess you're right. Can I borrow your phone?" Amy handed over her phone and I turned it on, unlocking it ("My passcode is 4567") and dialing 911. I put the phone to my ear and explained the situation to the police officer and giving them John's address and where I was at the moment. He thanked me and I hung up.

Abby jumped on me and exclaimed "LETS WATCH ALL OF SHERLOCK!!" Amy smiled and rolled her eyes at her cousin's antics. We then stayed up until 4 AM watching the gold that is Sherlock. Abby offered to give up her bed for me but I declined. I chose to sleep on the couch. After they apologized profusely,0 ("We're so sorry, we moved in three months ago but we still don't have a guest room"), they went to bed and I quickly fell asleep.
A/N See, I can write cute stuff! I had a bit of fun with this chapter. I kinda put myself and my cousin, vriskaaaaaaaa (I know I mention her a lot, shut up) in the story. I'm Abby (obviously since I sign off as Abby every chapter) and she's Amy. I asked her permission of course. This is based on how we act irl (although we don't live together considering I'm underage)
This is the first one where I really tried to break 1k words and in total it has 1017 words.
Love ya, my Fandom Kids!

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