Stay Quiet; Nothing Comes As Easy As You

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i find the lack of trying to be secretive and quiet frerard tour bus bunk sex quite appalling

so i write my own.

Gerard crawled into Frank's bunk not too long after everyone else had gone to bed, and they weren't necessarily all sleeping yet. Maybe half asleep and listening to music, maybe reading and slowly dropping the book on their faces. So really, the people reading, probably Ray and/or Mikey, heard the shift of Frank's sheets and the creak of the mattress and wood moving as Gerard slid into Frank's bunk across the narrow path from his own.

And the likelihood of the rest of the band being awake was exactly why Frank thinks this is not a good fucking idea.

He doesn't even really remember how Gerard convinced him anyways, like, Frank was tired and half asleep, Gerard crawled into his bed and under the sheets, cuddled up really close to Frank, started kissing Frank's neck to get his attention, and then tried shoving his tongue down Frank's throat. Still with the basic idea of what happened, it's still vague because Frank is still a bit incoherent from almost falling asleep. Not like being woken up for make outs is a bad thing.

But Frank is still thinking this is not a good idea.

Gerard started to carefully maneuver himself to lie on his back without causing the mattress to make too much noise. He still had a hand on the back of Frank's neck and one in his hair, and tried to silently tell Frank to roll on top of him. And Frank did, quietly and reluctantly.

Gerard pulled Frank's head down so he could whisper in his ear, "I want you to fuck me."

Frank quickly fully woke up at that, whipping his face towards Gerard and whispering harshly, "You fucking crazy? We'll wake up everyone."

Gerard ran his hand down Frank's back, starting to drag his nails lightly, "I'll keep quiet. Promise, c'mon Frankie..." He retorted.

"I know you can't be quiet, Gerard." Frank said, and he was right. The only place they can ever find a place to get a good fuck in is either at home or hotel nights, maybe if the bus is empty. Gerard is and always will be fucking noisy, and it's hot, but he really doesn't want to be one of the thing on Mikey's list of things to tell his therapist in ten years.

"No Frank I promise come on, fuck me, please." Gerard breathed out as quietly as he could, shoving his hips up against Frank and bringing his knees up.

Frank sighed and figures that Gerard isn't going to leave him alone about it, and he may as well, 'cause like, he is hard, and he's not against the idea, but in the bunks with the rest of their band members like five feet away was a different story. But he knows Gerard can keep his word and that he could probably trust him to stay quiet, because when he puts his mind to something he goes through with it.

"Fine. Ok," Frank murmured, vaguely seeing Gerard bite his lip to keep from moaning in the dark. "You have the lube, don't you? Fuck." Frank cursed quietly in realization.

"H-hold on. I'll get it, it's in my bunk..." Gerard said too loudly, moving out from under Frank and leaning out of the bunk to quickly get the lube and condoms he has hidden down the side of his own. The wood of the beds creaked loudly when Gerard moved fast, and he didn't notice until he heard Mikey's sleepy voice come from behind the curtain above his head.

"Get what?" Mikey asked quietly.

Fucking shit, Gerard thought.

"Oh- uh, just my earbuds. Wanted to listen to some music." Gerard said defensively. He really needed to move out of this position. Currently the edge of the bunk was cutting into his hip and was effectively trying to crush his fucking dick. Which is still hard.

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