New Kind of Kick

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this is just kinky and nasty i have 0 excuse

title from New Kind of Kick by The Cramps 10/10 good song (alternatively titled Frank EAT ASS Iero bc i felt that more appropriate)

leathermouth frank + mr way era gerard bc they look like a married couple in that photo ^

One of Gerard's all time favourite thing to do with Frank in the bedroom is get eaten out.

Gerard can't exactly pinpoint the first time Frank tried it, but all he remembers is that Frank had just shaved his scruff and Gerard had taken a shower after much persistent nagging, fucking nasty.

If you asked Frank, he could tell you exactly what went down. He could remember how Gerard had gotten confused, asking where Frank was going as he got lower and lower on his body just before he prepped Gerard, passing by his throbbing cock and kissing and sucking marks on the insides of Gerard's fleshy thighs. Gee clearly didn't know what was going on until it was about to happen. Frank pressed his whole body, starting to gain more weight due to some fucked medication for his stomach condition, down on the mattress between Gerard's legs, got a strong hand under the backs of Gerard's knees and then set his pale thighs to rest above Frank's shoulders. Frank left sloppy kisses up Gee's inner thighs as Gerard muttered things like "where are you going," and "come back," and "I thought you were gonna fuck me?" over and over.

I am going to fuck you, just wait, Frank thought, nipping the skin where Gerard's thigh met his ass before diving right in and pressing broad, flat strokes of his tongue to Gerard's hole and made him choke on his breath and wail in pleasure, feeling his toes curl and the heels of his feet digging into Frank's back. Frank ended up making Gerard come with his tongue in Gerard's ass that night, nearly untouched. Frank's pretty proud of this.

Frank remembers every squeal, every sweet, filthy noise Gerard made the first time like it happened yesterday. Now they've done it countless times, and Frank thinks himself to be a lucky, lucky motherfucker to be the only person to successfully get Gerard to make those fucking gorgeous noises.

Literally, Gerard had told Frank about his unsatisfactory (both romantically and sexually, wow) ex boyfriend. Fucking, Ernie from Sesame Street or some shit. Ernie's secret boyfriend's name. Bert. He was a nice enough guy, apparently. He just let Gerard get too fucked up, though.


Gerard shuddered when Frank rubbed his bearded face against his neck and started sucking the sensitive pale skin. Gerard moved his hand to the back of Frank's head, gripping the short hair to keep Frank there, marking up his neck, pinning him down with the weight that had never been there before.

Yeah, ok, Frank was feeling shitty about all the weight he had gained in the past month or so, but Gerard fucking loves it, thinks it's fucking hot. He tells Frank as much, like, every time they fuck. Call him a chubby chaser, he doesn't fucking care, honestly. Frank was so much bigger than him despite being shorter, but finally Gerard got to feel like the smaller person. Frank looks so much stronger now, he can hold Gerard down so fucking easily using his body weight, Jesus. Another one of Gerard's favourite things is when Frank holds his hips down while giving him a blow job, seeing his thick forearm covered in tattoos across his pale, pudgy stomach is when Gerard stops making coherent sentences.

Which is about where he's at right now, and all they've done is strip down naked and make out, then Frank started sucking on his neck, and as soon as Gerard felt the prickle of Frank's beard on his neck his mind kinda went !!! and knew exactly where else he wants to feel that burn.

Both of them are achingly hard, and Gerard tugs Frank's hair to pull him away from his neck. Frank nips Gee's neck before he pulls away and grunts, then Gerard can see the smirk in the dim light of their bedroom, Frank probably seeing the dark bruise he's left on his boyfriend's sweaty neck.

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