You Set My Soul Alight

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promised and extremely delayed part 2 for Fuel This Fire 😎

Frank wrapped a strong arm around Gerard's soft, pale middle, "Oh, ti amo."

"Whatever that meant, I love you." Gerard giggled.

"That did mean I love you, nerd." Frank muttered into Gerard's shoulder, smiling as Gee pet his sweaty, disheveled hair.

Gerard giggled at the tickle of Frankie's beard and moustache on his skin. He played with Frank's hair for a good seven minutes, carding his long, pale fingers through his fiancés dark hair, the contrast in tones stark.

He kept smoothing his hair until Frank spoke up, "You kept that up and I'm gonna fall asleep again, babe."

Gerard stopped immediately, "We don't want that," he giggled, "I made you some coffee... Y'know, before we..." He trailed off, smirking to himself.

Frank looked over his shoulder to his nightstand, and sure enough, there was his favourite mug full of coffee that was probably cold and too gross to drink. He looked back at Gee, "That's why you were so awake this morning. Mine's probably cold now." He shook his head jokingly.

"To be fair, the rest of mine probably is too. I put it down to wake you up." Gee smirked, turning onto his side and cupping Frank's chubby face. He kissed him, lips soft and a bit slippery on one another.

"That was hot," Frank said when they pulled apart, "Best wake up I've had in months."

"Me too, you're welcome." Gee said, pulling Frank in for another kiss.

It started sweet, a series of small pecks, soft and short, no tongue, then progressed to a lot of tongue when Frank initiated it, flicking the tip of his tongue quickly on Gerard's bottom lip, strawberry red from the scratch of Frank's facial hair. Gee let Frank in without any protest, letting their tongues tangle and get slobbery.

Frank lazily rolled back on top of Gee, hearing his lover squeak in appreciation. His hands scrambled around on his back, groping and pushing his blunt fingertips into the extra squish. Frank held himself up over him, - even though he knew Gerard could handle it and also not complain -  his forearms on the mattress on either side of Gee's head.

They were pressed together, naked and sleepy and sticky, kissing slowly and passionately. Frank had a cramp in his lower back and Gerard had aches in his hips and thighs and his fucking ass, but both of them still wanted more.

God, that made them feel fucking old. Gerard is only what, thirty? Frank's twenty six, why.

"Mm, fuck," Gerard breathed between kisses, "I still want more," Frank pulled away and rested his forehead against Gerard's, "Need you again."

"I can still feel my cum running down your thighs." Frank laughed, making Gerard smile stupidly.

"I missed you." Gerard giggled through a singsong voice, Frank laughing and smiling in tow, toothy and wide. Gee loves the way his cheeks squish and his eyes scrunch up.

"Me too, and I want to go again, fuck, but I'm tired."

"Your dick isn't." Gerard could feel Frank's semi hard cock pressing against his hip, already getting it up again from making out heavily. Typical Frank, he thinks, Hard again after fifteen minutes, like a teenager.

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