Mister Missing You

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OH GOD GET READY FOR LM FRANK IM A FUCKING WHORE FOR IT also my hand slipped THERE IS DADDY STUFF but not like intense tho

"Do you know how much I fucking miss you right now, Frankie?" Gerard sighed, smiling bittersweetly as his fiancé smiled back at him over the camera.

"A lot, I know," Frank groaned, "I miss you too. Wish I was back just as much as you want me back."

"I miss your hugs and good morning and night kisses." Gerard grumbled, pouting comically.

"I miss your, like. Everything," Frank's voice wheezed a bit, raspy from the show. He cleared his throat and scratched at his moustache, "Trust me."

"What does everything qualify as? Like, everything," Gerard then raised his dark eyebrows and smirked, "Or everything?"

Frank snorted, "Horn dog," he rubbed an eye, sighing, "But yeah, that too I guess."

"I guess? Rude." Gerard joked.

Frank's face went kind of pink in the dim lighting of the motel room he was in, "Okay. Maybe a lot..."

"Speaking of which, and I'm going to be blunt here," Gerard made brief eye contact and shifted under the laptop on his lap and the duvet on the bed, "I'm kinda. Extra excited to hear your voice, if you follow."

Frank made a face like an amused 'of course you are' and adjusted himself on the motel mattress, sitting up more, "I'm interested," He raised a perfect arched eyebrow, looking at Gerard.

It went kind of silent as either of them tried to decide what to say next. It was a bit of an awkward situation, as they'd never really done anything of the sort with each other over the phone, let alone video where they could see. Like, maybe once Gerard called and caught Frank in the middle of a wank and they awkwardly got off on dirty talking each other, but other than that it hasn't been attempted.

"I guess," Frank paused, "Uh, I don't know where to go with this." Frank said, starting to laugh. The two of them had a mutual laugh at how awkward this was.

Gerard hummed, thinking up some way this could go. He slipped the laptop off himself and pushed the duvet off his lap, exposing himself there in his big tee shirt that sagged enough to cover the growing bulge in his boxers.

"How about I start with this." Gerard sprawled his legs out on either side of the computer, the camera getting a shot of him from mid thigh to face when he leaned back on his stack of pillows - that Frank calls him a total princess for having. But Gee thinks that he needs it more; even if he is a total princess.

Frank hummed, smiling appreciatively and nodding encouragingly. Gerard moved his hand to his belly, scrunching up the end of his big shirt; pulling it up and exposing a small pale bit of skin, the bit of cute pudge that hung over his waist band.

"Ah, already killing me aren't you," Frank sighed, listening to Gee giggle on the other end. "I miss kissing that cute belly."

Gerard blushed violently at being called cute. He started thinking about the feeling of Frank's warm lips on his skin, kissing down his neck, chest, stomach...

"Miss feeling it," Gee whimpered, moving his shirt up further to his chest. "Mmh, the way you'd just keep getting lower..." Gerard moved his hand to palm himself, squeaking when he pressed the heel of his hand down. "With your beard now, fuck, don't do anything to that until you get home."

"I'll give you beard burn," Frank laughed, running a hand over his face to smooth out the facial hair that was growing on him, in more than one way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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