Record Setter

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//lesbian sex good times


"F-Frankie please..." Gee moaned at her girlfriend, who continuously, slowly rubbed her tattooed fingers between her writhing partner's legs.

"Please what, Gee?" Frankie teased, smirking at her from where she laid between her legs, teasing her slick fingers over Gee's clit just to watch her squirm.

"Frankie, y-you made me cum like-" she cut herself off with a breathy moan from how Frankie pressed her fingers harder on her clit and rubbed in circles, "Fuck, like? Five times already? It hurts." She said breathlessly.

"Gee, c'mon. We're trying to break our record, aren't we?" She moved up and left a little kiss on Gee's pale tummy, "One more time, please? Make use of the night out of the van." Frankie said, muffled as she smushed her face into Gee's belly and stroked a hand over her curvy hip.

Gee pushed a hand through her greasy hair, head flopping to the side and breaking the eye contact she had with Frankie. She looked at her destroyed leather jacket across the small room, both her panties and bra on floor with Frankie's bra. She sighed, "Fine."

She looked back just as Frankie smirked and slid two of her fingers inside Gee's hot, wet cunt, not holding back. Gee just wants it to be over fast, even though she is enjoying it. She squeaks when Frankie starts pumping her fingers in and out, curling them, immediately trying to get her just right, just how she knows Gee likes it.

"Fuck, it was fun the first - nnh - three times..." Gee trails off, starting to pant and arch her back off the stiff motel mattress, pushing herself down on Frankie's fingers, pressing on her sweet spot and gasping.

"Fr - Frankie, I want - I need you t-" Gee gets cut off with a moan when Frankie rubs her clit with her free hand.

"What do you want, babygirl? Gotta tell me." Frankie tells Gee, watching her girlfriend's tits move when she bucked her hips, circling them and whining for more, trying to get her to press harder on her clit, rub fast and hard on all of the places inside and out she felt the delicious pleasure shockwave through her. Frankie wanted to just do it herself, watch Gee come apart under her again and again, writhe and moan and thrash and twitch as just her fingers made her see stars. But she also wanted to hear Gee say it, ask for it faster or harder, whatever she felt like.

"Fucking - Nhh," She struggled to get the words out, hands trying to get a grip on the sheets, "Fuck it," Gee said, one hand that was tugging at the white sweat-soaked and other-things-soaked sheets flying to the back of Frankie's head, grabbing at the orangey hair on the back of her head and tried to push her face down, raising her hips wantonly and whining loudly.

Frankie took her fingers away from Gee's clit, making her groan in frustration in the process, but then pushed her hips back down to the bed with her tattooed arm across her girlfriends pale skin, littered with dark hickeys here and there.

"What do you want baby? Want me to eat you out?" Frankie said roughly, kissing the sweaty skin in the crease of Gee's thigh, the hand locked in the hair on the back of her head still trying to shove her face down, "Lick you up and make you moan, cum on my face?" Frankie breathed almost right against Gee's wet, pink folds, licking her lips and looking up innocently at Gee.

Gee couldn't fucking take it, between the constant undulating of Frankie's fingers inside her and Frankie's warm breath when she dirty talked her, she really couldn't fucking take it, shivering all down her body and moaning in agreement.

Frankie hummed before she teased with her mouth, kissing around her, and exactly where Gee didn't want it. Frankie doesn't care that Gee has hair down there, it's dark and fucking cute, and really Frankie appreciates it. She's always found the completely hairless girls in lesbian porn fucking creepy, because it's just not natural.

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