Animal Instinct

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prorev :))


The show was so insane that night. Everyone was soaked and dripping with sweat from the mid August heat of the outdoor venue, playing and screaming with everything they had, and for one person in particular, the urge to get his rocks off.

There was a brief moment where the whole band was together, congratulating each other and drying off with towels and chugging back a whole bottle of water, and Frank and Gerard disappearing. No one really seemed to question it, nor did anyone really want to know. There was a pretty enormous elephant in the room when they reappeared for bus call, but that's a story for later.


As Gerard threw his gross towel over his shoulder, he felt the telltale shape of a familiar hand settling on his lower back. Frank. Ray and Bob and Matthew were already off and tidying up, probably changing out of their gross stage clothes. There were just a few people scurrying around backstage where Gerard stood, near a recycling bin and taking smaller sips from his water bottle after chugging a good three quarters of it. He knew what was next when Frank's hand settled on him, moving from his sweaty back to wrap both arms around his waist, hands folded together against his stomach and a chin on his shoulder.

"Hey Frankie," Gerard whispered, quickly finishing off his water and dropping it into the bin near his feet as he tilted his head to the side to let Frank in closer.

Frank just pushed his nose into Gerard's neck, breathing in Gee's smell deeply and exhaling a needy whine. Frank pulled Gerard close to his chest, pushing his hips right up on Gerard's ass, flicking his tongue out and tasting the salty sweat on Gee's skin while trying to get a thigh between Gerard's.

Gerard was a bit shocked at how open and forward Frank was being right then, more than he'd usually been. If he didn't pause Frank right then, they'd probably get nasty right there with all the tech crew disassembling and packing up around them. "Hold - hold on, Frank," Gerard grabbed at Frank's hands and turned around to face Frank as soon as he let go. "Not right here."

Frank looked up at Gerard, long hair all in his face, stringy with sweat and probably some fucking spit. He pushed it all back, leaving it a rumpled - quite sexy - mess. "Then let's go down here," Frank rasped, making Gerard's knees nearly give out with his voice and the look in his eyes.

Frank dragged Gerard down an abandoned hallway of the venue, looking like a hallway where dressing rooms would be but more cluttered. Boxes were stacked in rows up and down the hallway and the floor made the soles of their shoes feel like they where being peeled off every step they took, but it would have to do. The dusty air floated heavily around the dark space Frank pulled Gerard into, cramped and only slightly uncomfortable, but good enough. They'd make it as quick as they could for their own practical purposes to meet up with the rest of their band who absolutely know what's going on between their singer and guitarist.

"Here," Frank whispered gruffly as he pushed Gerard against a wall, "We don't have too much time, we gotta make it quick."

Frank immediately pushed himself against Gerard, their bodies pushed right on each other. Gerard could feel how fucking hard Frank was, imagining if he'd been rock solid like that the whole show. As Frank nuzzled his face into the crook of Gerard's neck and started sucking hard marks into his pale skin, Gerard gasped and shuddered, all the attention right on the most sensitive part of his throat which Frank had discovered and used against him for years.

"God," Frank breathed right under Gerard's ear, "The whole fucking show - the whole time," Frank couldn't seem to get a proper sentence out without gasping or moaning halfway through as he rocked his hips on Gerard's, "I'm so fucking hard for you, Gee..."

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