Fuel This Fire

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told u there would be more 🔥
[title from Move Your Body by My Darkest Days]


Gerard knew almost the exact time the guys from LeATHERMØUTH would be dropping Frank off that afternoon. Gerard was so fucking excited he was waiting on the doorstep of their house. He was so ready to see his fiancé after he'd been out touring for months, even though he was probably going to cry and be totally cliché when he got to hug him again.

When the van pulled up in the driveway he immediately shot up from where he was sitting. Hambone and James got out and helped with Frank's bags, probably knowing that everything was just going to get dropped when he sees Gerard.

Frank got out of the van and thanked Hambone and James for helping him out, and he turned and saw Gerard standing there, and you'd swear those two were magnets the way they collided. Gerard couldn't wait, and he ran toward Frank, and Frank barely had the time to open his arms for a hug when his fiancé launched on to him, face buried in his neck, scratchy with his beard.

"I missed you so much, Frankie." Gerard muttered into Frank's shoulder, smiling wide and feeling the predicted tears twinge in his eyes.

"I missed you too, oh my god, I love you," he kissed the side of Gerard's head, smelling his familiar scent that he missed for so fucking long, "I love you," another kiss, "So much."

Gerard really did tear up, "I love you too," he sniffed, "So much."

Frank stroked his big, warm palms down Gerard's back, and took in the softness of his shirt, the natural curve of his back, the feeling of his hair tickling his neck. Frank took it all in, and was incredibly glad to be home.

They were really having a moment, and it was broken when James tapped Frank on the shoulder. Fucking Dewees.

"Man, we wanna go home too. Can we say 'later and leave you two to business?"

Frank let out a joking sigh, trying to sound exasperated with his friends. He didn't want to pull away from Gerard, but Gee was the one that reluctantly let him go. Frank turned around and damn near tackled James and Hambone into a big hug, his height difference showing surely beside James.

"Get home safe, you guys. I'll see you later, now fuck off!" He says laughing, patting both on the back and pulling away. The two guys rolled their eyes, there was some more incoherent shouting from the van, then they left, saying it was good to see Gerard and good to see Frank leave after months of being cramped up with him.

Frank picked up his bags and Gee grabbed his wrist to pull him inside the house. Frank was overwhelmed by the familiar home smell, what a sight for sore eyes home was, when you haven't seen it or been able to see the people in it in real life for months.

Franks dropped his bags when the door was closed behind him, and he pulled Gerard back into a big hug. Gerard made a funny squawking noise when he was pulled back first into his short boyfriend, squished into his belly. Frank's warm arms moved to circle him around the waist, nuzzling his bearded face into Gerard's shoulder. Gerard turned around so he could face Frank, and cupped his chubby, prickly cheeks in his pretty pale hands. Frank pulled Gee flush against himself, staring into the eyes he missed so much, Skype just didn't do them justice, and pushed his lips on Gerard's.

They moved their lips together, still standing near the front fucking door, giggling while working around moustache and pointy nose.

When they reluctantly pulled apart, Gerard smiled, "I'm gonna make dinner tonight."


Gerard stood in front of the stove, stirring the noodles a bit to get them all softened to fit in the pot. Frank had changed into his pyjamas, wearing one of the bigger shirts he bought on tour, then joined Gee in the kitchen. He literally wouldn't let him go, and Gee had no qualms with that, but it was going to be awkward and dangerous when he needed to strain out the boiling water from the noodles in a bit.

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