Headfirst for Halos

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i couldnt think about anything but bullets era and its inspired by a fic on ao3 called You're so cute when you're slurring your speech by autoschediastic

it's so good u gotta read it it's basically all bullets era smut truly a gift

also I fuckin loved how this one turned out tbh


As the band rushed backstage off the tiny, sticky bar venue's set, they bounced with adrenaline. Always after every show, everyone's veins would be thrumming with the energy they got from the growing crowds of kids. They stomped with the beat of the band and Gerard, screaming out his lyrics 'till his throat felt raw. They were proud of the growing collection of kids showing up to their little bar and lounge and basement venues, pretty much saying that hey, maybe we aren't so bad. They had to be doing something right if people showed up and stayed.

After tonights set, there happened to be an after party they got hooked up with through Otter, some guy he knows apparently said he could bring 'that band he's in' with him. That's how they ended up cramped into the van after packing up all their equipment, still practically vibrating and sweaty.

Mikey wouldn't stop bouncing his knee and it was getting irritating, Ray and Otter banged their heads along with the tinny music playing in the van from the shitty stereo. Gerard tapped his fingers loudly in the plastic below the window along with the same music, also bouncing his knee. And fucking Frank will not stop fidgeting.

His feet had been off and on up on Gerard's lap probably ten fucking times, along with his head as he flopped around on the very back seat of the van. Frank won't stop chattering either, and now Gerard knows how people feel when he rambles or goes off on a tangent or a topic that excites him. He wants out of this fucking smelly van with these fucking smelly people.

And when they finally get to the party, thanks to Otter driving, nobody has calmed down. When they get on the road tomorrow morning everyone will be better, tired out even. Gerard hopes.

Frank springs out of the van first, Otter following behind him. Ray gets out of the passengers seat and Mikey and Gerard pile out after, following the others to the house that's starting to look like it was attacked by teenagers.

Gerard was less than excited to be here, in all honesty he'd rather just jack off then go to sleep. At the very least he deserved a nap, as he was crashing rather fast from the show earlier. He was going to get grumpy, and nobody wants grumpy Gerard.

He continued to loathe this idea as they walked up to the house. Otter knocked on the door and someone - drunk party goer, let them in right away.

Everyone got split up sometime during the night, and they woke up the next morning pretty lost, but that's a conclusion for later.


If Frank didn't shut the fuck up soon, Gerard was going to personally chop off all his ugly assed dreads.

Everyone had split up except for the two of them, who ended up sitting in the living room on the couch where a joint was being passed around. Frank just had to have it, then dragged Gerard with him to go sit on the couch and socialize with a bunch of other pot heads. Yeah, maybe Gerard took a drag or too, it was good shit, but he was still comparatively sober against Frank alcohol and drug wise.

And Frank just wouldn't shut up, a constant chatter from him and these guys he's made friends with and bonded over their love of weed with in the past hour and a half. Gerard was stuck beside him, stuck smelling his nasty pot dreads every time Frank leaned on his shoulder. Gerard was tired, he just wanted to find an empty bedroom that he deemed safe enough and sex free enough to lay down and pass the fuck out for the night on. Maybe he should bring Frank with him to force him to sleep his high off. Then again, Frank would either keep Gerard up all night chattering, or they'd make out and deny it ever happened and pass out. Gee preferred the latter.

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