Noise and Kisses

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(No Shans were hurt in the making of this, even though they did vomit, it wasn't because of this god damn PORN -xoshan)
i was lying on a blow up mattress in ShannonJacks basement on New Year's Eve when i came up with this idea and frnkier-o helped plot this

anyway enjoy this mess

"Thanks for letting our freeloading asses stay here tonight, Adam." Ray thanked as the rest of the band hauled their shit into Adam Lazzara's house, fucking exhausted and sweaty and smelly from being cramped in the van for too long.

"Hey, it's no problem guys. You're free to use the washing machine tomorrow morning if you want, like -"

A chorus of holy shit, thank you's and thank god's chimed from the group before he could even finish his sentence.

Adam laughed and assumed from reactions it was an offer to be taken up on. The five of them were going home the next day anyways, and could be bothered to just wait until tomorrow to take it home and wash it there, but figured it was a good treat after a long tour to go home in clean clothes.

Adam showed them around, bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen, the basics. And of course, fucking Otter steals the shower first, Mikey next, then Ray, and then Frank who has yet to convince Gerard to fucking bathe for once. Gerard keeps saying he's fine even though he's starting to grow a Pig Pen dirt cloud around him.

Then came the hell of everyone calling dibs on the rooms.


"I get the big bed!" Mikey called as soon as he stepped out of the shower. Otter groaned, cursing himself for not thinking of calling a room as soon as he stepped out of the shower.

"We get the singles then," Ray called for himself and Otter, heading for the bathroom with his special shampoo and conditioner and a towel and his hair turban.

Adam was kind of lost at how quickly everyone stole the rooms from each other, standing there lost with Frank, who was concerned as to where himself and Gerard were going to end up for the night. He looked at Adam, putting his stuff on the couch. Gerard spoke first, "So where am I going?"

Adam rubbed the back of his head, "I have a blow up mattress you guys could share..?"

Gerard and Frank looked to each other, not complaining that they'd be sharing - really not at all a problem, sharing a bed with your boyfriend. They looked back to Adam, "Good enough." Frank said, slowly snaking his arm around Gerard and smiling as they heard the shower turn on once again.


Adam and Gerard finished setting up the mattress when Frank got out of the shower, walking out in his flannel pyjamas and a dirty gray shirt, drying his shaggy black hair with a fresh towel. An actual fresh towel. What the shit.

A lamp was on across the room on a little table, the coffee table pushed against the couch to make room for the mattress in the middle of the hardwood floor. There where a bunch of blankets piled on top of it with a little lump balled up in the middle of it, a mess of greasy black hair fluffed out the top of the pile on a pink pillow case. So Gerard is already in bed, looks like he's reading the Stephen King novel he picked up in a bookstore a state or so back.

Frank crossed the room, kneeling on the coffee table to reach across and put his sweater and jeans and underwear into his bag on the couch. He heard Gee bookmark and close his book, setting it on the ground near where Frank could see the shine of his black phone on the ground. Frank clicked the lamp off on the table beside the couch and hear the mattress make a lot of noise as Gee adjusted himself, scooting around onto his other side while the vinyl groaned and squeaked.

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