'bestest friends'

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we had a group activity, probably the first of many.

i honestly wasn't in the mood. i wasn't in the mood for any of it. i just wanted to be in my own bed, blasting music through my headphones without being paranoid that someone would begin speaking to me.

kyle and i were partners, of course.

he did most of the work, in the task of doing a type of scavenger hunt. though i would hardly call it that, it was more asking other people about themselves and getting their signature.

i sat at a bench while my loud partner could be heard yelling questions across the camp.

i thought i would be fine, and that nobody would bother me. at least, i hoped. it didn't come to mind that the game would eventually end and kyle would have to come get me. it also didn't occur to me that he would come up from behind me while i stared off into space.

he scared me. he really did.

his hands came in contact with my waist, then his voice rang loud in my eardrum. i didn't catch what he said, rather i was too busy with the labor my lungs and heart were beginning to go through.

my heart leapt out of my chest and a choked sob quickly passed my lips. that made the fingers on my waist cease in their grip. along with my small amount of calmness to become my life line, slowly sinking me back to reality.

he asked me if i was alright. i gave him a strong punch to the shoulder

'don't do that again.' i replied.


we had won the activity, seeing as kyle was probably the only one besides two others that actually tried. all the rest of us were either too shy or thought that the game wasn't worth the effort.

since we had won, we got extra dessert when dinner rolled around.

i gave mine to kyle, or tried to atleast.

'here, i don't want it.' i muttered, handing him the plate of icecream cake.

he eyed it for a second, before looking up at me. 'um, are you sure? you didn't even eat all your dinner.'

i nodded. he gave me a skeptical look, almost looking worried.

'go ahead.'

something seemed to flip in his mind, because he gave me a big toothy grin and took the plate from my grasp.

'thanks, bestest friend!' he exclaimed, giving me cheek a pinch with his free hand.

i grimaced. we weren't friends. we were just two opposite kids forced to stay together.

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