Chapter 6 - Exes and Nightmares

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My thighs felt cold against the plastic seat of the desk. It was a feeling that was hard to get used to and I was starting to feel a chill run up my spine. Stupid shorts.

We had just finished a math quiz and I was just waiting for the rest of the class to finish. I looked around the room, studying the walls covered in witty posters and tips. I looked down at the rows of desk at my classmates, who were oblivious of me watching them. I traveled down the rows of desk with my eyes but quickly diverted my gaze when I knew I would come across a certain person's desk.


I really didn't want to waste my time gazing at him, wishing what we had was still in my grasp. Whatever. It shouldn't mean anything now. But, if it doesn't mean anything to me, why can't I even stand to look at him?

Sometimes, he still talks to me. On occasion, he'll meet me at my locker in the mornings to say hey or invite me to a party or something, but of course, I always decline. I'm nice to him about it though. I don't think I have a capability to be mean to anyone, really. But, it's still hard to talk to him and see him all the time. It brings back the good memories which make me miss them- Which make me miss him.

Just stop thinking about him, Elaine. It's not worth it. He's not worth it. I wanted to huff, but I decided against it. It's just exhausting.

A few minutes passed as I sat there, numb of my own feelings. The bell rang and my teacher, Mrs. Livingston, was interrupted from her announcements for our homework.

"You are dismissed. Get your homework on the way out," She said and went back to her desk.

The mass of my classmates crowded around her desk to grab our homework and joined with the rest of the school into the hallway. Finally! Lunch!

I quickly made it to my locker, squeezing past the crowd. Swiftly, I threw my stuff inside, closing the door before anything falls out. I looked down to the ground, watching my step, when a pair of Vans came into my view. I swiveled my way around them, but then I was stopped by my upper arms. Hoping it was Preston or Danny, I looked up. I was disappointed, sadly, but I still put on a smile for him. I almost laughed at the irony of the fact I was just thinking about him in class.

"Hey!" I said in a fake, cheery voice.

"I haven't talked to you in a while!" Lucas beamed.

"Oh, yeah, well, I've been pretty busy," I said and he nodded.

The tension in the air was nearly palpable and I figured I should start thinking about how to weasel my way out of the conversation. I almost laughed at the irony of the fact I was just thinking about him in class.

"Oh yeah, me too. It seems like I lost your number and I was wondering if I could have it again?"

"Umm... I guess." I really didn't care if he had my number, but if he bothers me too much I'll just block him.

"Cool, maybe we can hang out sometime," He suggested and I sucked in a breath.

I hesitated as a thousand thoughts swam through my mind. Should I? This may be my ticket into a new group of friends which is exactly what I need for the popularity thing. Maybe I should, but maybe I shouldn't. Danny would be so mad at me... But as far as I know, he'll be mad at me about a lot of things pretty soon. Plus, would I have to tell him? He's going to be at that school for three months. It's not like he has to know everything about my life. But, if I don't tell him, I would feel horrible. Maybe I'll just have to do what I have to do.

"Oh, yeah. Sounds fun." I said and got out my phone.

He seemed a little shocked by my answer, considering I usually turned down his offers, but this time, it was different.

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