Chapter 25 - The Long Goodbye

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"I missed you, baby girl," My Dad spoke quietly in my ear as I was encased in his strong arms.

I looked over his shoulder with a smile before looking at Danny. He stared at me with the same sad glint as he furrowed his thick, brown eyebrows. He looked away, shook his head, and diverted his gaze to the ground. I was about to look away from the depressing sight until I noticed the single red rose in his hand. Was that for me? Of course it was for me. Who else?

I pulled back from my Father's embrace and said, "You guys go inside. I need to talk to..." I trailed off and pointed Danny while awkwardly hanging my hand from the back of my neck.

"Okay, where's Brian?" He asked.

"Upstairs with my friend. He'll be so happy when he sees you," I smiled at the thought of Brian getting so excited.

He beamed at me and then walked inside the house. Lucas stood in the same place, staring at us two. Danny touched my shoulder as he walked in front of me then let his hand drop as he approached Lucas.

I mentally sent messages to Danny, telling him not to say anything, but then I remembered that that didn't exist. But I just couldn't bring myself to speak. Danny looked like he was about to pounce on him at any moment but I knew he would hold himself back.

"I didn't know-" Lucas started to speak but he was interrupted.

"Yeah, well neither did I," Danny snapped, his voice a little louder than Lucas's. Danny looked over his shoulder at me and then back at Lucas. I noticed he had stuck the rose in his back pocket to get it out of the way.

"I'm so sorry," Lucas whispered. "For everything."

Without another word, Lucas walked away from us. Moments later, his car door closed and he started it up. I watched him drive off until he disappeared around the corner.

My knees suddenly felt weak as a wave of nausea came over me, so I leaned on the brick wall. Danny's feet scuffled on the cement as he walked in front of me. I felt intimidated by his unreadable stare as the cold brick was making my back cool. The sun was nearly set so the porch light automatically came on. His intimidating stare remained as he outstretched his right arm and placed his hand beside my head, creating a wall on my left side. His other hand was stuck in his pocket, fumbling with his keys. I gulped under the anxiety forming in my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked very calmly.

"I was scared to," I answered honestly.

"When were you going to tell me?" His eyes had their signature shine like they always did as he spoke.

"I don't know," I said just above a whisper.

"When did you-" He started but then stopped himself. I knew what he was going to say but was too scared to continue so I just answered.

"It was in June. The first night we hung out with Adam."

He let the arm that was creating the wall next to us drop to his side and hung his head to look at the ground. There was small silence in exception for the car passing by, it's headlight shining on both of us for a second before driving away. He swayed back and forth, scraping the sole of his shoe along the ground.

"What made you decide not to?" He questioned, his voice breaking a little.

I took this as an opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear, "You did."

He raveled his arms around my waist and secured them just as tightly. His fragile voice whispered back, "Don't you trust me?"

I shook my head against his shoulder and put my forehead against his heated neck. "Not always."

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