Chapter 20 - A Day With You

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Parker and I sat in his car, the morning still early as he drove along the near-empty road. He had to be at the college super early for interviews so I had to come along with him. But it's okay because I love being up early and going on long car trips.

"Do you go there often?" I asked.

"To the college? Yeah. I take some extra-credit there and I'm a tutor. I could have skipped these past two years and just gone to college, but I decided I wanted every bit of education I could get and then move on to college. And, I didn't have the scholarship then so the bill would go to my parents. Plus, I didn't want to be going to College at sixteen years old with all of these twenty year olds. Well, now I'm seventeen but whatever."

"Really? When was your birthday?"

"... Um... It's actually today. Every year, the competition falls on my birthday. But I don't like to make a big deal about it so don't buy me anything or sing to me or whatever. Birthday's aren't really a special thing to me."

"Ah, I getcha," I paused for a second before saying, "Happy Birthday." He smiled at me before I changed the subject. "But you have a scholarship here now?"

"Not here, but at Texas State. Sam Houston College is average and doesn't have the things I need before I go off to Medical School for another four years."

"Oh, okay. I understand. What got you the scholarship to TSU?"

"Last year's trophy, of course," He smirked as he spoke.

"You won last year? Wow. Do you think you'll win today?" I badgered him with excitement.

"I bet I will. Will you cheer for me the loudest whenever I win?" He asked and I responded with a nod and a beaming smile.

"I thought you said that you don't like competitions and that they're for snobs."

"When did I say that?"

"When we first met. At the party."

"Oh, well I was drunk." He smirked but then said, "Just kidding. This is the only competition I've ever really entered besides a few Spelling Bees. I have a special love for History and I really like to show it off."

"So do I. It's my favorite subject. But, You also told me you were interested in Law school. Have you had a drastic career change lately?"

"Sort of. I figured Harvard Law was too much of a dream to chase. I'm not brilliant enough for that. Plus, Medical helps a lot more people than being a lawyer."

"Are you kidding me? You are brilliant. You can do anything if you wanted it."

"I know. But, I just... I don't know. I'd rather be closer to home."

There was a silence that filled the car that was short-lived because Lucas said, "What about you? What are your plans when you graduate?"

I puckered my lips to the side, thinking of an answer, "Same as you, I guess. Graduate, College, get a job, get married, have a good life. The normal life."

"Which College?"

"TSU or Sam Houston. I don't really know. That is, if I can get a scholarship. If not, I'll end up going to community college."

"Ah, I see. And who do you plan on marrying? Anyone in particular yet?" He said, wagging his eyebrows at me.

I smiled and gave a small laugh, "Stop."

"But seriously. Danny seems like a nice guy. Do you see a future with him?"

"I guess I do... It's just really... complicated."

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