Chapter 23 - A Terror Returns

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I sat on my bed as I held the phone close to my ear, listening to Todd explain what he meant by 'Preston Quit'.

"He called me earlier and explained how this whole thing wasn't working for him. He hasn't made any new friends," He told me.

"But I can't do this alone," I groaned, the stress of tonight still making the blood in my temples pump violently.

"I know. Maybe it's time to quit."

"I agree. Maybe this whole thing wasn't such a good idea in the first place. I mean, it started out as a great idea, seemed pretty realistic, and sounded like it would have a huge impact, but now it just seems like an unrealistic idea to strive for. I've only made two real friends this whole time and it's just caused a lot of drama."

"Maybe it's best. So what are you going to say to your friends?"

"I'm going to invite them to church as soon as I can. And sorry you had to spend all this money on us when it didn't work very well."

"No, it did work. Three people is better than zero."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I paused for a moment before realizing he said 'three'. "What do you mean three?"

"Well, I hear you've been hanging out with Lucas lately and I figured-" He began but I interrupted.

"No, that's not going to happen," I stated in a stern tone.

"Why not? What happened?" He asked, concern definite in his voice.

"Stuff that I really don't want to talk about," I answered truthfully.

"Is that stuff more important than inviting him to church?"

I didn't respond for a moment because I knew he was right. But after what happened the other night, I don't think I can.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Well, I guess I can't because you haven't told me what happened. So no, I wouldn't understand. But, I hope you make the right decision. I have to go, but I'll see you at church in the morning."

"Okay, I guess I hope I do too. Thanks. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," He replied and then hung up.

I held the phone in my lap as I stared off into space, my mind blank of any thought. I instantly became alert whenever I heard the door to my room creak slightly. I snapped my head towards the door to see the scruffy-headed kid wearing his new Iron Man pajamas. Finally, he gave up the old ones he grew out of.

"Hey," I said as he twisted and hung on the doorknob.

"Where did you go today?" He asked with a quiet voice.

I patted the spot next to me on the bed, gesturing him to sit up ere before I answered, "I went to see Danny today."

He climbed up on the bed and went underneath the covers, totally hidden from view. I heard him sigh deeply like he was exhausted.

"What did you do?" His muffled voice questioned from under the blanket.

"We talked and we walked around, We got something to eat and we talked some more," I replied.

"Oh. Well, when is he going to come here?" He asked as he emerged from his protective cocoon.

"Not for a long time. You'll probably see him at Thanksgiving."

"Okay, I guess that's good. I just wish I got to see him as much as you do," He stated as we wore a disappointed expression.

"Well, maybe he'll come visit again. Why do you want to hang out with him so much?"

He gave me a shrug and turned his expression into a lopsided one as he thought. His eyes suddenly became very sad when he answered with, "He's a lot nicer than my other friends at school and likes the same things I like. My other friends try to get me to like the things they like but Danny doesn't do that."

"Why didn't you tell me your friends are mean to you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern.

"They're not mean. They just don't like me that much. They like Iron Man and everything, but when I talk about other things I like, they don't seem to like me as much."

"Well, then that's their problem. If they don't like you just because you like different things, don't worry about it. They're not really good friends if they do that."

"I guess you're right. But now that Danny moved away, those are the only friends I have."

"I know it's hard, but it'll be okay. Danny will be back sooner than you think."

"Okay, I guess that's better than never coming back. What do I do until then?"

"Well, If you want, you can hang out with me and my friend Parker. And Preston can come over here and hang out with you. I know neither of them are Danny but-" I suggested but he stopped me.

"That sounds fine."

"Alright. So where are you going to take me for my birthday?" I smiled at the question.

He rolled his eyes and thought for a moment. I laughed at him and listened to his answer, "We can go to Fuddruckers."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," I replied with a smile. "Just you and me or do you want to invite anybody?"

"You can invite whoever. It's your birthday," He said in a "Duhh" voice.

"Okay, I'll see if any of my friends want to go. I love you, squirt," I beamed at him and tousled his hair around.

He pushed it back to fix it and mumbled under his breath, "Yeah whatever."

He turned his body around so he could slide off my bed, which came up to his chest. He was pretty short for his age.

"Goodnight," I told him, which he responded to with a wave and left the room, nearly forgetting to close the door behind him.

* * * *

I ran up to Danny as he walked through the front door of his house and gave him the biggest hug. He's finally home. It's been a long three months without him here.

"I need to talk to you," He said quietly in my ear so his Mom and Dad and his little brother and sister wouldn't hear.

I pulled back from his hug only to see the blankest look in his deep brown eyes. They didn't shine like they usually did when he was happy. Now they were dull and lifeless.

"Okay," I answered just as quietly with a simple nod

He took me by the hand and led me outside with him without even greeting his family. He didn't even have a suitcase with him... That's strange.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Tell me what happened last night. With him," He questioned sternly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

 "With who? Parker?"

 "Yes, exactly. What happened?"

 Suddenly, the sky went black as it abruptly became nighttime. The stars weren't shining which indicated that it was a cloudy night. The stars weren't shining and neither were Danny's eyes. What's going on?

 "How come you don't trust me around him?"

 "Because I don't trust people like you. What did you do? Did he kiss you? Did you kiss him? What happened?" He badgered.

 "What are you talking about? Do you think I'm heartless enough to do that to you?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

 "I don't know, are you?"

 "Well, what about you and Katie? Are you going to be like Lucas and leave me for her?"

 "Leave you? Don't put this on me. I can't believe you'd say that."

 "Well you did the same thing to me!"

 "You know what? Forget it. Forget everything. Let's just pretend like we never met each other, okay?"

 I shot my eyes open along with a gasp as I took in my surroundings. I'm in my bedroom... thank goodness it was a dream. A scary one. Stupid subconscious making me all worried now. I can't believe that's the third nightmare I've had about Danny. Well, I wouldn't call them nightmares, just bad dreams. But there was something different about this one. Danny talked a lot more and this time... there was no kiss. Sometimes I wonder what my subconscious is doing to me or if I'm just crazy. Maybe I should stop drinking apple juice before bed.

 I looked away from the sun shining through the window and at my alarm clock on my bedside table. 8:29, right before my alarm goes off. I set the alarm to turn off and rolled out of bed. I took my lazy butt over to the closet and looked at my selection for today. I can finally wear comfortable clothes now, thank goodness. It's nice to finally be comfortable in public.

 Finally, I can be myself.

* * * *

 A very short chapter like I intended it to be. Meh. Hope you enjoyed though! Nighty Night!

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