Chapter 32 - The End Is Just The Beginning

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My hand held the box in place as I took the tape and sealed the opening. On the side, I wrote with a Sharpie, labeling as 'Bedroom'. I sighed and looked around at my nearly-empty room. All of my clothes were packed away and so was everything else. Finally, I was heading off to my own apartment. A place of my own. I'd be the only one living there in the tiny, one bedroom apartment, but that was alright.

"Knock knock," Danny said before entering my room. I got up from my spot on the floor with the box in my arms. The last box.

"Here," He said and took the box from my arms.

"Thanks," I told him before giving him a smile. He flashed me a smile back before I picked up my backpack and slipped it onto my shoulders.

"You know," He began before readjusting the box in his arms. "I hate the thought of you all alone in that apartment. What if someone breaks in?"

"I'll be fine," I whined.

"That's what all the girls say in a slasher movie before she gets murdered," He pointed out.

"True, but I'm pretty sure I'm safe," I tried to assure him.

Two people walked in behind Danny and I smiled at their appearance.

"Are we ready to go?" Preston wondered, taking the hand of Amanda in his own. "Everything's loaded in the truck."

"The trunk's completely full," Someone appeared in the doorway behind Amanda and Preston.

I smiled at Parker and said, "Thanks for the information. I guess that means I'll have to carry this box in my lap."

It didn't take much to reconcile with Parker. It's hard to be friends with someone when you believe you aren't good enough for anyone. I thought I was the problem, but it was him. His worries had gotten the best of him.

We all traveled down the stairs and eventually we made it outside. We all piled into Danny's truck, me and Danny in the front and everyone else in the back. We all buckled and I hugged the box as we began to drive off. My Mom was driving my car and had left a few minutes ago. She would ride home with Danny after we got all of the boxes unloaded.

* * * *

After about an hour of unloading and unpacking all of my stuff, it was time for everyone to go home. I was fairly close to home so there was no reason to have a big goodbye or anything. I'd still be seeing everyone as as often as I usually do.

So far, Briarcrest apartments were fairly nice. It's all someone can afford when they work at their local bakery, but the job pays well and the apartment is everything I need.

"I'll be back by the house tomorrow when I go to the college to sign up for classes," I informed the group as we all gathered by the entrance of the apartment.

"Alright, well that sounds like a plan," My Mom told me before giving me a quick side hug and exiting the flat.

"Enjoy your new adult life," Preston joked while Amanda waved. They left hand in hand out the door.

"Pay your rent," Parker joked before pulling me into a long hug. He pulled back and said, "Love you, kid." before following with the rest of the clan.

I smiled at the only person left in the room with a knowing look in my eyes. He beamed back with a grin just as big before stepping closer and wrapping me in a hug. A big hug. A body-warming, rib-crushing hug. Overall, it was a rather great hug.

"I'll be over any day you want," He said with a large grin.

"That sounds nice," I replied.

"I was hoping it would," He spoke again then leaned over to give the top of my head a kiss.

I couldn't help but give him a smile before he turned his back and walked out, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, now alone in the apartment. I had to say, I felt like a proper adult. There were boxes to be unpacked and a ton of work, but for the first time in a while I felt motivated to do it. Getting on with my life was the first step to growing up, and that's exactly what I was going to do.

Right after I take a break.

I let out another puff of air before falling down onto the black futon in the living room area. Boxes were scattered all around me, so I decided to search through the one on the floor in front of me.

This box was full of different books and journals so I scanned through them a bit. They were all mainly classics that I had to buy for school, and old notebooks with notes in them from high school, and then there were some old devotionals that I never finished.

One book stood out in particular, though.

Youth Group Popularity by Todd Huckabee

I'd read it once before at the beginning of my senior year, but I don't believe I have picked it up since then. I immediately went to a spot where the page was folded and I had something underlined. I don't even remember underlining this... Who did this? I shook the thought from my brain and decided to read the underlined passage.

 Life isn't about being known, nor is it about being loved by people. It's about the people you know and loving them. Without people, how boring would our lives be? Love people. All people. Forgive, give hope, have faith. Just love. Seriously.

 Well said, Todd. Well said.

* * *


Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up to finish the last chapter. *sight* IM SO SORRY. Buuuut I hope you enjoyed this final chapter and all the previous ones before it. I appreciate all the good things said about this book, though it really isn't that great!! I worked hard, though. And I hope it made you smile. It took a year to complete it (with some huge delays). I appreciate each and every one of you for reading this entire thing and for being so kind. I plan on writing more stories and I hope you stick around for that because they'll be so much better.

 Here's a lesson i've learned from finishing this book: Writing is a part of learning. You can't learn to write without practicing. Don't lose that passion you have for writing because you think that your old writing sucks. It probably does suck to some people but it's beautiful because YOU worked hard on it and YOU enjoyed it. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING YOU CREATE IS SPECIAL AND BEAUTIFUL. SO ARE YOU. I LOVE YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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