Chapter 10 - Run-ins and Suspicions

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I rushed through the halls, nearly stumbling over my own feet, and almost slid across the hard floors. If I didn't run, I would've been late for class. I was in the bathroom, applying my make-up because I forgot to put some on this morning. I hate Mondays. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. Even if it could be Danny, I had no time for texting. I had to get to my locker- and fast. The crowd of people who I passed were just blurs and my only focus was my locker.

"Elaine!" I looked back at the voice that said my name as I kept walking quickly when I caught a glimpse of Lucas leaning against a wall, locking eyes with me. I pried my eyes away and just as I did, I ran into something (or someone) and clashed to the ground.

"Ogh!" I exclaimed because of the blow I took.

I stared at the ceiling light for a few seconds. I shook off the feeling of shock and I sat up in my spot, taking in the fact that I had just crashed to the ground. I felt like groaning, simply because I was frustrated, but held it in. All I wanted to do was get to my locker!

"Oh, Elaine! I'm so sorry!" I recognized the voice immediately.

I looked up to the boy, who towered at what looked like twenty feet at this angle, and let out a relieved sigh.

"It's alright. I think I'm okay. Unless you're not Parker and I'm just seeing things," I said as he gave me a hand up.

He laughed just when I heard footsteps as they ran up behind me and the other person put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Elaine. I saw that, are you okay?" Lucas asked.

"I'm fine," I said to Lucas.

"What's the rush all about? You still have a few minutes," Parker reassured me as I eyed my locker over his shoulder, which was about ten feet behind him.

"I just need to get to my locker," I told him, brushing the shoulder I was looking over as I passed him.

I saw Parker walk away with a sympathetic look in his eyes, but I sensed Lucas's presence behind me. Why can't he just leave me alone for now? If he hadn't have called my name, I would've watched where I was going.

"You took quite a fall there," He commented.

"Yeah, well, I'm fine. Thanks for letting me know I fell just in case I had amnesia or something," I said a little rudely. I wasn't mad at him or anything. I have no reason to be. I was just frustrated that this morning was starting out pretty bad.

He laughed slightly at my joke, which I knew was fake, and leaned up against the lockers. I really wasn't amused at all. He changed the subject by asking, "Why haven't you answered my texts?"

"I've been busy," I answered even though I didn't know he texted me in the first place.

"I texted you less than two minutes ago."

"Well, I was trying to get to my locker," I said as I closed the door of my locker.

"Why are you all snappy?" He asked as I got my stuff for class.

"Because-..." I stopped myself and looked at him. "No reason. Just tired. It's just a Monday."

"Oh, okay. Well anyways, I've been meaning to ask, where has Danny been? I haven't seen him at school this week."

It's another wednesday, five days since Danny has been gone. Only a few months to go...

"He's going to a different school now up north. A boarding school. It's about three hours away," I informed him as we started walking to our home room. "Why do you want to know?"

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