Chapter 17 - "Like Like"

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The wind blew violently through the cab of the truck as I stuck my hand out if the window. We were nearing the lake and I was ready for the rest of the night. The only thing that would put me down tonight is the goodbye from the boy sitting next to me.

The sun had just gone down and the edge of the horizon still had a tiny glow to it, making the sky's color go from light blue to dark blue. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and I had complete visibility of the stars.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of the wind flying through the cab. The noise, the feeling, and the excitement of it soothed me in some strange way. But, I nearly snapped at Danny whenever he decided to roll up my window.

"I need to talk to you..." He spoke casually.

I opened my eyes and answered with a simple, "Okay."

He didn't speak for a few moment and I was wondering if I should be worried. If it wasn't something too important, he would have already gone right out and brought it up. But by his hesitation and his eyes locked on the road, I could tell it's something he's thought long and hard about.

He began with a breathy stutter and paused to bite his lip as he concentrated on the road at the same time. Then, a small smile cracked his once worried face. What was he thinking?

He continued to smile as he finally spoke, "Do you like me? You know, 'like like' me?"

I nearly facepalmed myself at the question. Just when I thought it was going to be something life-altering and serious! What a childish way to ask! I rolled my eyes and groaned openly.

He shot a confused look quickly in my direction before turning back to the road. His smile grew into a toothy one that involved a chest-deep chuckle. Why was he so amused?

"What?" I snapped.

"Did you not think it was a serious question?" He asked, making shivers go down my spine. He was serious?

"It didn't sound like much of a serious question. That's pretty 'serious' to a fifth grader maybe."

"Then call me a fifth grader because I was serious."

He's really serious? Not that it's a bad thing, but he could have used some other choice of words like "How do you feel about me?" or the plain and simple "Do you like me?". But no, he's Danny. Of course he's not going to ask it normally. He's going to use the 10 Year Old Child method by saying "like like" so we know exactly what kind of feelings we're talking about. If he doesn't know that we both have these "like like" feelings by now, then he's blind. I mean, this whole visit he's been driving me mad with the star gazing and the hand holding and now this 'Serious' question.

But I know Danny. And even though these "like like" feelings have been mutual for some time now, he still wants me to admit it verbally. He wants the satisfaction and reassurance of me confirming it. But here's the catch: I don't want to say it.

The reason I don't want to say it, you ask? That's because it's supposed to be when I want to, not when he wants me to. Maybe someday I'll just blurt it out loud while standing in the middle of a mall or while I'm watching a movie with him and Brian. It'll be whenever I want to say it, not when he wants me to. But, I can't blame him for wanting me to say it, because I'd also have satisfaction in hearing him say it too.

I let go of a breath I didn't even know that I was holding and quickly cooked up a witty remark to say back to him. What else could I say if I didn't pass it off as a joke? I'd be a stuttering, babbling mess.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," Was all I could think of to say with a smile in his direction.

He gave me another chesty chuckle and a grin as he concentrated on the road. I let out a silent sigh of relief because he didn't say anything else after that. A few moments of complete silence passed as the roads turned to dirt and gravel instead of concrete. We were almost there...

"So... Boyfriend, huh?" He couldn't help but laugh while he spoke.

"Shut up. It's the only way to scare Lucas away. By the way, thanks for playing along."

"I feel bad for lying, but now I know I don't need to worry because Lucas will at least get the idea that you're not up for grabs."

"Yeah, that's good. One less problem..."

Moments later, we arrived at our destination. The lake sparkled from the crescent-shaped moon and the last remaining bits of sunlight. Danny parked his truck on a patch of grass that was scarce of trees. Seconds later, three other cars pulled up. Amanda had rode to the pizza place with us but decided to hitch a ride with Parker and Lucas. Suzanne and Preston had their owns cars.

We all stepped out of our vehicles and I noticed the air had become very chilly. Maybe Danny still has that blanket? I opened the back seat door and saw the blanket bundled up sloppily and just went for it. I swung it over my shoulders and let the warmth of it satisfy me. Danny didn't question it and let me use it.

"We'd better start a fire," Parker suggested and Danny agreed.

"I'll be back in a second," Danny told me and I nodded with a simple 'Okay'.

Amanda stepped over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I have to talk to you."

I didn't have a chance to agree before she yanked me by the upper arm and brought me over by the bank of the lake. Geez, strong grip. I rubbed my upper arm after she let go, attempting to soothe it.

"Preston is driving me insane. I need you to fix it, now," She demanded in a serious tone.

"Amanda, there's some thing I can't fix for you. This one is on you. Just tell Preston how you feel!" I tried to convince her but I knew she wouldn't listen.

"But how can I get the chance to talk to him when he's always talking to that blonde bimbo!"

"Hey, you're just saying that because she has a little crush on him."

"Exactly. Where'd you even meet her anyways?"

"That's beside the point! Just go say 'Hey, Preston. I need to talk to you.' He'll listen to you!" I tried to reason with her. I crossed my fingers, hoping she would take my advice.

"Fine! But don't say 'I told you so' if he does listen to me..."

I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous behavior and went over to a spot on the ground that was just some medium-height grass. I really hope there's no bugs in it, though. I watched as Parker and Danny got the wood together and some other stuff to start the fire. As I watched them arrange the wood in a teepee-like form, someone had walked over and took a seat beside me.

"Hey," I said to Lucas, still focused on the two boys.

"How about a party next Friday?" He suggested casually.

"I dunno, why?"

"Just because. Parker already says he's going. You should too," He persisted.

"I dunno, there's really nothing for me to do there except get drunk or sleep with someone."

"So? No one there's judging you. It's your life," He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. So he's done stuff like that before? Well, I should have expected.

"But, I'm not like that. If I go I'll just be bored."

"What if I make it not boring? It's a Friday night! Live your life," He tried to reason.

"I'll think about it."

* * * *


Über short chapter. Sorry, not sorry. I really just wanted to update for you and I have big plans for the next chapter. Thank you, lovely reader.

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