Chapter 9

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Sorry this chapter is really short but the next one will be very long. It might take me about a week or 5 days to write it. Enjoy <3

(Their bathroom on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


The next morning I woke up and Connor wasn’t in his bed because he had his Alpha duty’s. I hate how he’s never here. It makes the bed cold and I start to miss him.

I walked to the kitchen with my hair in a bun and some pajama pants and a tank top, Ann was sitting at the island table drinking coffee and looking at some fashion magazine.

“Morning” I said.

She turned to me and smiled “Morning. How did you sleep?”

“Good, it sucks when I wake up and Connor isn’t there”

“Same Max leaves early making my bed cold”

I laughed “Same here”

I made some coffee with some waffles and sat next to her picking up another magazine with celebrity gossip. I can’t imagine how celebrities feel when people write fake shit about them. I would sue them and hang them by their throats. I don’t mean it, it’s just a figure of speech.

“So Ann today is your last day here. What do you want to do?”

Her eyes widen and she looked at me nervously. I raised my eyebrow “Umm Liz I forgot to tell you…um…since me and Max are mates, I am going to stay here and not move back.”


“Sorry I thought how I should tell you that but I was to busy with max and meeting his parents”

I jumped up and hugged her “Finally I will have you by my side every day.”

She laughed “Finally I will do my job as a Beta”

I chuckled “You know I’ll be fine”

Ann is my Beta, she is my best friend. She doesn’t really need to worry about protecting me because as being a white werewolf I came capable to take care of myself all the time. She mostly helps if I am depressed or I have some serious problems and also she follows my orders.

Today was the last day before the battle and I knew that Connor and Max are busy training our pack members. I don’t even know what the plan is; I think I should have gone to the training. Oh well I’ll ask Connor tonight.

It was 11 p.m. and Ann went to her room to get ready to bed. Ann went back to her mom’s house to grab all of her clothes and she will be back when the war is over. I don’t really want her to get hurt. The whole day I sat at home and went to my mom’s house. She was sitting with some other women pack members from the pack. I greeted them and the whole day we would just talk and created some new activities for the kids. This pack has an underground room. It’s big and it has a bunch of beds and couches. It doesn’t have TV or any electronic devices. It’s a secret room for the kids and other people who won’t fight in the war.

It was 11 am and I went back home hoping that Connor would be there. When I came in there no one was there. I sighed and headed towards our bedroom. I took a showed and went to the dresser to grab some clothes. When I entered the room Connor was there standing in his boxers. He looked so hot with his chest buffed. Also he had dirt on his face and you could see that he hasn’t shaved in about 2 days. He looked up at me and I could see lust in his eyes. He came closer to me and kissed me. I started to kiss him back; I could feel my towel slipping off. I tugged it on me again and broke the kiss.

“Hey” I whispered.

“Hey babe. How was your day?”

“Good, Ann is moving in so she went back to her house to grab all of her stuff and she’ll be back right after the war ends.” I said smiling.

“That’s great” he smiled.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to change. They were short pajama shorts and a blue tank top. I opened the door and Connor quickly came in and locked the door. I couldn’t even leave the bathroom. I looked at him raising my eyebrow.

“Stay” he said.

He went towards the shower and turned the water on

“Connor please no”

“Don’t worry you’re not going in there”

“I know I am not going in there and I better not. I am just not comfortable seeing you naked.”

“Aww, Lizzy you’re so innocent. That’s what I loved about you”

He came closer to me and sat me on the counter. With my legs around him. He gave me a long kiss and took his boxers off and went to shower.

He came out with his hair all wet after about 10 minutes with a white towel hanging on his hips. I could see his v-line, that made me go crazy.

He came up to me and I could see the water on his chest. He holded my waist and started to kiss me again.

“Ugh you’re so…what’s the word?”

“Hot? Sexy? Amazing? Gorgeous? Handso-“

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes but if you want to kiss me again you need to shave that face, its rough”

He chuckled and put his cheek on my cheek moving up and down. I laughed and playfully pushed his face away from me.  He turned on the sink water and spreaded the shaving cream on his face. I don’t know if it’s weird or not but I felt so hot watching him shave his face. He cleaned up and came up to me smirking.

I cupped his face and started to kiss him. He kissed back sliding his hands around my waste again. I lowered my hands down and started to play with his towel that hung on his hips. He moved his lips on my neck to the stop were I will be marked. I looked down and saw his arousal. His phone ringed and he growled. God that sounded so hot. He went to the bedroom and grabbed it

“What?” he said in an Alpha voice.

“Ok……alright…..I’ll talk to her about about…thank you……have a safe night” he hung up and looked at me.

“Talked about something with me?”

“Yeah, about the war.”

I walked over to the bed and layed down under the covers. He went inside too and told me what would happen and the plan to attack the other pack. At the end of the night we continued what we started in the bathroom. We didn’t mate and he didn’t mark me…we fell asleep with me laying down on top of his chest and his hand on my ass. And we quickly fell asleep.

Thank you for reading :)

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