Twelve // The First Meeting

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Twelve // The First Meeting


There's a strong relationship between time and people. It's simple. The more you spend with someone, the stronger your feelings towards them are. Whether they're positive or negative, they will grown. They will soar or they will fester. You will love or you will hate.

I knew I was in trouble from the moment I got to school on Monday morning.

It was sweltering, a strong thirty degrees at 8:15am. I had just arrived with Ada by my side, both of us already complaining about the heat. Celti rarely got above twenty, so the heat was exhausting for us.

There was one girl in the entire school that didn't seem affected and that was my fucking gorgeous fake girlfriend.

I think it was one of the first times I'd seen her in a dress, not counting parties. I swear, her legs went on for miles. She had her dark hair tied up and was talking with Landon, standing in the empty courtyard. Everyone else was inside.

"Why are you not hooking up with her?" An arm slung around my neck and I elbowed the owner in the ribs.

"It's boiling. Fuck off."

"Language!" Hayden scolded, looking from me to my sister and back with a smirk.

"Fuck off, Hayden," Ada laughed, flipping him the bird. I'd taught her well.

"I'm officially offended," he deadpanned, poking his tongue out at her like a four year old. "But seriously, man. How can you pretend to date someone who looks like that?"

"Easy. She's annoying." It was a lie. I knew it as soon as the words tumbled out. She was a smartass and kind of rude in a nice way but she entertained me more than anything. She kept things interesting.

"Yeah, right," Ada scoffed, just as me met Landon and Kaia. "Enjoy living in denial, bruder. Du bist ein dumkopf."

"Danke," I said sarcastically, stopping while she continued and disappeared into the building.

"Why are you guys standing outside?" Hayden asked them, putting his arm on Kaia's shoulder like he was leaning on a table. She raised an eyebrow at him as if to say what do you think you're doing and he dropped it straight away.

"Believe it or not it's stuffy as hell inside. The halls are overflowing and there's no air circulating."

"It's shit," Landon agreed.

"What's shit?" Zavier asked, standing beside Landon with his backpack on one shoulder.

"You. When are we meeting Annaliese?" I asked, everyone else nodding in support. It was getting ridiculous.

He was about to answer but Hayden cut him off. "Tonight. We're all going to my place after school to make use of my pool and you're bringing her along."

"You know I can't do anything on Mondays," I frowned, wiping the sweat off my forehead. "I'm looking after Ada."

"Firstly, she's nearly fifteen. She can look after herself," Kaia said, crossing her arms. "And secondly, she could always come."

"Yeah," Hayden agreed, holding his fist out to Kaia. She hit it, harder than he expected as he cursed under his breath. I'd guess that was payback for the arm. "So it's settled."

"Guys." Zavier was reluctant. "Does i-"

"YES!" We all responded and he sighed, but didn't fight back. Good. Otherwise I'm sure we would have made an extra effort to meet his girlfriend and he'd have regretted protesting.

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