Six // Coincidences

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IMPORTANT A/N: Hey guys. Quick note that I had to make a slight plot alteration. Jacob's sister Ada is now fourteen turning fifteen instead of thirteen turning fourteen. She was too mature to be thirteen and this just works better. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Happy reading!

Six// Coincidences


I had successfully convinced my grandmother to let me stay living at home for the next two months, but I could not talk her out of making me see a psychologist. Every Friday at 4:30pm from now on I had to go see a Dr. Wallace, a lovely lady who I had met for the first time an hour ago. It was evident from her enthusiasm that she loved her job, which made the experience softer, somehow. Less scary. We had briefly spoken about why I was there to which I answered "My Nanna thinks I'm depressed." She asked, "Do you think you are?" and I said "I know I'm not." She just nodded, and moved on. One thing I liked was that she didn't have a notepad. It made me feel like she believed that I wasn't depressed and was only doing this for my grandmother's sake.

Parker had collected me at five when the session was over, in her beat up ford focus. I slid into the passenger seat among the litter on the ground, shaking my head as she pulled away.

"You really need to clean up."

"You really need to shut up," she fired back, zooming through the busy streets. Five o'clock always brought traffic, with people coming home from work, getting food for dinner, or having their Friday night drinks. The sun was beginning to set; dusk was upon us.

"Where are we going?" This wasn't the way home. She was heading into the centre of town instead of out.

"Coffee Bean. I'm dying for a mocha."

"Do I get a choice in this?"

"Nope. Unless you want to walk home. That's your only other option."

"No thanks."

"Come on. I bet you could do with a chai right now."

That one word of perfection made me perk up a bit, laughing when Parker rolled her eyes. "Knew it."

Coffee Bean was on the corner of Thacker and Melrose, the lights illuminating the whole corner. It was styled like Starbucks, but without the prestige about it. Atlas used to take us here every Tuesday after school since he got his license at seventeen. It was our special treat. Since he got taken over by his study/work schedule we hadn't been. It was strange to be here without him, but he was working tonight so he wouldn't have been able to come.

It was quiet in the shop tonight, with only a few of the tables occupied by locals, not that I paid much attention. I was too busy ordering.

"Can I please get a white chocolate mocha and a chai latte, extra hot." Despite the February heat outside, I couldn't get a drink that was only warm. It was like showers. No matter the temperature, I always had to have a hot shower.

"Large, medium or small?" The server asked, a guy I faintly recognized from school. He was younger but towered over my not-so-short five feet eight inches.

"Both medium thank you," I smiled.

"That'll be eight fifty." I handed him over a ten dollar note and he retrieved my change. "Could I just have your name for the order?"

"Parker," I told him, then headed to a booth along the right wall of the shop.  I seldom used my name when ordering at places such as these. People either never heard it correctly or spent a minute fussing over how to spell. It was too much effort for what it was worth.

I crossed my legs on the seat, resting my head against the back of the booth.

"So. How was the psychologist?"

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