Thirty Four // Truce

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Thirty Four // Truce


Setting up for a party was the last thing I wanted to do, especially considering it meant leaving Kaia. She had to get ready and get my present – of which she was too excited about giving me – and then return here with her sister for last minute preparations.

The thing is, parties don't take nearly as much time to set up as we anticipated. By two o'clock the four of us were sitting on my back deck, legs swinging over the edge sipping on our beers.

"I can't remember the last time it has just been the four of us," Landon said, taking another swig before setting it on the wood. We'd finished out here, hanging lights around the yard to switch on when people started to arrive.

"Thanks to the girls," Zavier piped up.

"I don't think we can really complain, can we?" Hayden asked, eyeing off each of the boys until landing on me.

"'Course not."

"Hell no."

I shook my head. I hadn't told them about me and Kaia. It wasn't like the thought was slipping my mind because it was the only thing in my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I went to take my phone out of my pocket until Hayden nudged me with his elbow, sporting an almost worried look. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're nervous."

Zavier and Landon turned their attention to me too, agreeing as soon as I looked out to the backyard.

"Why would I be?"


Oh, right.

My phone cut off my response, ringing it's dull ring until I picked it up.

"Speak of the devil," I said to them, swiping my finger across the screen and lifting it to my ear. "Hey."

"I can't tell Parker." Her voice was rushed, almost panicked, like there was something wrong. I slid off the deck and headed further into the backyard, out of earshot of the guys who were making 'whipped' sounds and cracking up.

"I can't tell the guys," I admitted, leaning up against one of the two almost symmetric trees in the centre of our backyard. There were a few more bordering the house, ones Mutti was concerned would be an easy way for burglars to climb in through the windows.

She groaned, the sound crackling through the phone. "Why can't we? It's not like no one saw it coming."

"I was going to ask you the same question."

"You are of no use."

"Thanks," I deadpanned.

She ignored me, probably rolling her eyes. "Any chance I could come over earlier?"

"Missing me that much?"

"If I say yes, can I?"

"If you mean it," I teased. We both knew what the answer was. I wanted to be with her and I was starting to get used to the fact that she wanted to be with me too.

"You're a pain."

"Love you too."

"See you in ten."

And the line went dead.

I stared at the blank screen, unable to help my laugh. She half insulted me, ignored me and hung up on me, and all I could think was; my girlfriend is fucking amazing.

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