Twenty Nine // The Ghost of Christmas Past

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Twenty Nine // The Ghost of Christmas Past


The ideas for my newly planned eighteenth birthday party were bouncing around the room, both Hayden and I contributing to the discussion.

"You should invite heaps of people!"

"And set up the home speaker system."

"We could clear your entrance all the way through to the dining room."

"And put up a barrier to the stairs so no one goes up there."

"And to all the bedrooms downstairs and Ada's music room."

"We'll just order pizza."

"And BYO drinks?"

"It's easier."

"Rubbish bins everywhere."

"Clean up crew?"


We were at it for hours, ever since we'd gotten home with takeaway burgers with my excellent plan. I'm sure there were less extravagant ways to tell the girl you've been in love with for too long that you, in fact, loved her, but my heart was racing with the adrenaline of hosting a party.

I didn't realize the time until there was a quiet rap on my door, both of us shouting "Come in!" before resuming our planning.

"Balloons and streamers?"

"Too hard to pack up. Just streamers."

"What are you boys doing?" Ada was standing on the inside of my door now, rocking back and forth on her heels as she looked between the two of us with her hawk eyes.

"Throwin' a party, of course!" Hayden beamed at her, and then I was reminded of their relationship status. I truly was happy for them, but it would take a while to get used to. "It ain't every day that Jakey boy turns eighteen!"

"Hmm..." She wasn't having any of it, staring me down. I held my ground by the couch and tried not to crack under her gaze, but it became increasingly difficult as she stepped towards me. "You weren't interested on a party before."

"Well, I am now," I stammered.

Hayden rose from the couch and picked Ada up around the waist, carrying her back to the couch before sitting on her legs and holding her wrists. "Stop interrogating him. You'll like the reason, trust me."

"I feel like trusting you is a bad idea."

"Oh do you now?"

"Yeah, actually," she was challenging him, both of them with playful grins on their faces that made me look away. Take a deep breath, I told myself. Step one to acceptance; tolerance.

"Oh, sorry Jay Jay," Ada frowned, noticing my discomfort, then simply looked at Hayden and he slid off her legs, letting her sit up.

"All good." I put on my best smile, but then told her the reason for my party regardless. I watched as her face turned from skeptical to joyous.

"I'm so happy for you, bruder!" She gushed, the grin looking like she'd slept with a coat hanger in her mouth. Then she turned to Hayden and her grin doubled. "I'm going to win."

"The hell you are," he shook his head. "He's gonna chicken out."

"You guys bicker like an old married couple already, Jesus," I laughed, trying to act lightly. "But what are you on about?"

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