Twenty One // Expensive Boredom

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Twenty One // Expensive Boredom


"You're only telling me this now??" I was livid at the thought that Jacob had given me three hours to find a dress and get ready for the ball. Also at the fact that there was a ball that she hadn't told me about.

"It's not like I knew any earlier!" That was a lie and we both knew it. I shot him a look as if to say yeah right and he sighed. "Okay, I knew two hours ago but I was neglecting telling you for exactly this reason. Can you blame me?"

"I can and I do!" I exclaimed, flopping back onto the bed that felt like it was made of feathers. So soft, so comfortable. "What am I going to wear?"

"I'll show you."

"There's no time!" I was freaking out. I had nothing to wear and no time to find something and I was supposed to be going to a ball! What do you even wear to a ball? It's not like I've ever been to one before.

"You have an abundance of time."

"Someone is misusing his big boy words."

He sighed and with an eye roll he came at me, sliding an arm under mine and scooped me up into his arms, bridal style. A squeal let out of my mouth and I kicked but he just shushed me.

"That was rude," I told him but he just shook his head, nudging the door open with his foot and heading to the other end of the hallway. Every footstep jostled me and he just let out a low chuckle.

"You were being difficult. I think I acted reasonably under the circumstances."

"Did you have a spelling test yesterday or what?"

"Considering I was suspended yesterday," he drawled.

Oh, right. I'd forgotten about that already.

But there was no time to dwell on it because he opened another dark wood door into what had to be Ada's room. It wasn't super girly, but there were features to it that were too young to be Milena's and too girly to be Royce's. He went over to the bed and dropped me, my stomach flipping as I went.

"What is with you today? You're acting more weird than normal," I frowned, sitting up on the bed and crossing my legs. He was over at a huge, rustic looking wardrobe. It ran halfway along the wall between another door and the window, with character effortlessly worked into it.

"You said so yourself," he said, pulling open the doors to reveal too many floor length dresses to count. "My father is intimidating." His tone told me to leave it at that so I didn't ask any further questions and moved onto the dresses.

"These are Ada's, right?"

"How did you know?" Jacob's brow was furrowed and I just laughed.

"Are these all suitable for a ball?"

"It's not even that fancy."

I gave him my best pointed look. "What will you be wearing?" A best way to judge the formality of an event was to see what a man was wearing. A tux would mean it was the highest kind of formal there was, and a regular shirt and slacks meant a sit down dinner.

"A tux." Formal it is. "Which I actually need to go dig out of a closet."

"Well I'll be here for a while so you can go."

"Trying to get rid of me are you?" He teased and I just gave him a decent shove and he laughed his way out of the room.

With one look at the dresses I sighed, wishing for my sister to be here to help me choose. But she wasn't here, and I had to do it on my own.

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