Fourteen // What the Hell Just Happened?

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A/N: Hey my lovely people. Guess what? I'm home! I actually wrote this when I was in Japan. I had to catch a train and a bus to school every morning and my train was running late and I was stuck with this guy who irks me to no end. The first bus to my school was there but it was full and my friend was telling me to try to get on because we have a mutual distaste for said person (actually we are just basically the same person but he's not a girl.. actually that's debateable too. ANYWAY).

It was too full and I was thinking how nice it would be of said friend to do what I have written but he's a guy and non-fictional guys don't think of stuff like that. Anyway, quick inspiration for this chapter. Also, thanks for being patient, it's been a while and I'm honestly just happy to be home. You all rock!

So for the first time in a while, read, vote, comment, but most importantly, enjoy! 


Fourteen // What the Hell Just Happened?


Wednesday morning was hectic hell. We were going on an excursion to the city and had to be at the bus station by 9pm. You'd think it would be easy considering I had to get to school earlier every day, but there were a few problems.

My alarm didn't go off. I thankfully woke up myself but it was half an hour after I was supposed to be up, meaning I had to choose between a shower and food. I didn't have time to do both. I chose smelling nice and then went to Parker's room to get her to see when she would be okay to leave, but she was coughing her lungs up and told me she wasn't going.

That was problem number two. I was only seventeen, so I couldn't drive. Well, I could but I didn't have my licence to drive without supervision so I had to walk. Meaning I was going to be late.

It was about a half hour walk to the station and figured a walk might be good for me, good to get the blood pumping. I resolved a positive attitude by the first corner but then I ran into a problem. Almost literally.

Coming around the second corner at the same time was a girl from school called Flick. I had no idea what her real name was but that's what everyone called her. I didn't dislike many people, but she was the most difficult person to resist disliking. She was annoying as hell and unfortunately, recognised me.

"Kaia! Oh my god what a coincidence! Are you going on the excursion too? We could walk together, oh that sounds fun!"

I was so tempted to ditch and say I wasn't going but I wanted to go to the city, so I reluctantly said yes.

She proceeded to chat my ear off about completely artificial things that I didn't give a flying fruitloop about but I couldn't do anything to get her to stop.

We were late and I really didn't want to catch the second bus. It meant I would be stuck with Flick for that much longer, as she would catch the second bus. This early in the morning, I didn't think I could handle all it for another hour and a half.

I rushed down the platform and out to the bus bays, where the first bus was sitting. It wasn't about to leave, but I could tell from where I was running down the stairs that it was pretty full. I got to the door just in time and Jacob and the guys were sitting in the first seats, obviously the last people on.

Flick was whining in her annoying voice. "It's so full. I wanted to get there early!" God, she was annoying. I looked to Jacob for help as we had the same opinions on her. He looked torn between wanting to laugh and looking sympathetic. If he laughed, I would have hit him like there was no tomorrow. Maybe if he laughed, there would be no tomorrow. For him.

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