Sixteen // Surprise

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A/N: This was an extra but I decided to make it a legit chapter. The only change is that it's from little Ada Beck's point of view. I think y'all know where this is going. Enjoy my lovelies!!


Sixteen // Surprise

Ada Beck

I looked in the mirror, running a hand through my thick hair.

"You look like shit," I muttered to myself, unable to take my eyes off the deep shadows beneath them. I needed to sleep. I always needed sleep.

When I was little, I slept in a room with my big brother and when he grew out of sharing a room, I struggled. I couldn't get to sleep without the comfort of someone else in the room.

That never really went away. Not until Hayden.

A small smile lifted my lips at the thought of him. Everything with him was a blur, going so fast I wanted to scream for it to slow down. I wanted to remember every bit of this, of him, of us.

It hadn't been long since we became a thing but it felt like I had never been without him. I felt so comfortable around him, a feeling which I wasn't used to.

Which is why I could sleep with him, in the most innocent way possible because as of today, I was fifteen and not ready for that. But ever since the first night he had climbed up to my window and realized I struggled to sleep, he has stayed with me until I'm unconscious. He still didn't know the reason behind it and I wasn't about to tell him. It made me sound even younger and as much as I wanted to say I was totally, one hundred percent fine with our age difference, I wasn't. I was trying, but I felt too young for him.

Then again, he was a complete immature idiot so I felt I was older than him. I think that's why we worked.

I turned away from my mirror with a sigh and jumped a little, gasping.

"Happy to see me?" Speak of the devil. Hayden.

I struggled to even contemplate my response as I looked him up and down.

He was in his slacks, a nice dress shirt he had buttoned at the cuffs with his light hair gelled for once, sitting perfectly instead of in it's usual cute mess.

I couldn't handle how insanely handsome he looked. Especially with his smile. It wasn't the huge goofy grin he usually had plastered on his face when he caught me by surprise - which was more often than it should have been - or the smirk he got when he teased me. It was peaceful. Content.

Without taking my eyes off him, I realized the window was open, meaning no one else knew he was here. Jay didn't. He was all mine.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a quiet voice, taking small sluggish steps towards him. If I wasn't so tired I would have run and jumped on him, but my legs were struggling to hold me up already.

"Seeing my girlfriend on her birthday. Is that a crime?" He closed the distance between us in two strides and slid his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Yes," I mumbled and he chuckled, his body shaking mine. I bit my lip to stop the smile that was about to consume my face and took a step back, but not before he could place a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll already be going to jail so it'll just add more time to my sentence," he joked, but I didn't find it so funny. He was referring to us, that we were breaking the law by dating. He was three years older than me when we started going out. He said as long as I didn't mind, he didn't either, but I'd never been okay with breaking the rules, even if no one knew.

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