Twenty Four // Convincing

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A/N: It's kinda short but I'm kinda tired and at least it's something, even if it's not great. But I'm slowly soldiering on, trying to plan the next few parts so I can get a start on those too. But Parks and Rec is calling so off I go. Enjoy xx


Twenty Four // Convincing


A weekend in Europe can do wonders to a person, but on Tuesday morning when my alarm clock buzzed for me to get out of bed it felt like it would be the death of me. The jetlag I was experiencing was the worst I'd ever had, but my desire to go to school made getting out of bed a little easier.

I had spoken briefly to my siblings last night after Jacob dropped me off, enough to tell them about the trip in as much detail as I was prepared to give. Neither of them believed me when I answered to Parker's question that yes, Jacob and I were still just friends, but at this stage I was beginning to question it myself.

Look at what he had done for me, had supported me through, had stood up for me for. He had after school detentions every day after school until Wednesday for beating Marcus to a pulp. He stood with me at my parents' grave and started picking up the pieces of me that broke after the accident. I wasn't sure anymore how I felt towards him, but I knew that he was the reason I got out of bed this morning and he was the reason I had started to feel like I would be okay after all.

Maybe he would be my prince.

Parker was sitting at the counter with a bowl of muesli, tapping on her phone which lay on the counter. Hearing my footsteps she looked up, smiled and asked how I'd slept.

"Good," I tried a smile but I was still waking up, my muscles not in full effect yet. "And you've recovered fully from your cold?"

She nodded, the rest of the morning ensuing in silence.

The heat outside was a stark contrast to the winter I had just been exposed to, requiring shorts and a singlet instead of a snow jacket and boots. In the car my phone vibrated in my hands, my lips automatically turning up at the name.

"Jacob?" Parker asked.


Jacob: when r u gonna b here?

Kaia: in like, 2 min. why?

Jacob: Audreys hangin around. She doesn't seem to get that Im taken. Looks like shes gonna come over.

It took me a minute to wonder why he was talking about Audrey, but then I realised our deal. Get Audrey off his back and Marcus off mine. The latter had been successfully taken care of but the former was still a recurring issue. My face fell upon the realisation that all of this, of us – our friendship – could end when Audrey backed off, and I was beginning to hope it wouldn't happen.

Then I remembered his admission to an ulterior motive, and his acknowledgement of mine.

Kaia: ok. what do we do?

Jacob: up to you. I know whatever u choose will b convincing ;)

Kaia: whats that supposed to mean?

Jacob: nothing nothing ;) see u soon

I didn't bother respond.

"Home for not even twelve hours and he's already texting? Jesus."

My eyes rolled as we pulled into our school's road. "He said Audrey is hanging around."

"Still using that excuse, is he?" Her smirk was devious, and I would have hit her if she wasn't behind the wheel.

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