Henry and The Support Group

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*TheOnlyQueen InDaHood BookLover14 MrDarkOne TheKid SnowWhite PrinceCharming Swan and CaptainGuyliner have been added to the conversation*

BookLover14: Morning Guys! :)

MrDarkOne: Good morning my beautiful Belle!

InDaHood: Sup

TheOnlyQueen: Ughhhhh it's too early for this

SnowWhite: Good morning!

Swan: Why do we always text this early in the morning, I need my beauty rest go back to bed people!

CaptainGuyliner: You are beautiful already

Swan: Awww thanks bæ

PrinceCharming: Okay, it's too early for that!

TheOnlyQueen: I agree with the prince!


TheOnlyQueen: Really? Henry again? I thought we went through this last conversation!

BookLover14: And Regina and the rest of us were all worried

Swan: And you ruined another morning for me Henry

TheKid: Okay mom well I am sorry, I lost so I had to express my feeling somehow!

InDaHood: The kid does not like to lose, he lost to Roland once, while playing peek-a-boo, and he started crying and screaming and I had to buy him ice cream and it was bad!

TheKid: REALLY ROBIN! No one was supposed to know!

TheOnlyQueen: How do you lose at peek-a-boo? It's the easiest game ever!

TheKid: Roland kept finding behind his hands and I couldn't find him! And he would like always find me!

CaptainGuyliner: Wow.

MrDarkOne: Well, we raised a brilliant young lad

Swan: We did you raise him during all of this?

BookLover14: What grade are you in again?

TheKid: A Freshman

PrinceCharming: I think it's time to grow up

SnowWhite: Wait, Freshman, isn't like homecoming coming up?

PrinceCharming: Really, you had to bring that up?

InDaHood: Here we go...


Swan: Henry......

CaptainGuyliner: What is this homecoming?

TheKid: It's a dance, but I don't any to talk about this I have a more serious matter

TheOnlyQueen: I think now is the time!

Swan: Do you have a date yet?

TheOnlyQueen: You are not going young man!

Swan: Of course he is!

TheKid: Yes, I have a date! I am going with Jefferson's daughter Grace and Yes I am going!

CaptainGuyliner: Oooooohhhhhh Henry and Grace!

TheOnlyQueen: Not helping perfect jawline!

CaptainGuyliner: What did she call me?

InDaHood: Is mine not perfect?

Swan: Way to go Henry I am so proud of you! And what did you just call my boyfriend?

PrinceCharming: I thought he was your husband

SnowWhite: I don't know what he is!

TheKid: Thank you Emma, for being so chill!

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