Merry Christmas

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*TheKid Swan InDaHood CaptainGuyliner TheOnlyQueen PrinceCharming SnowWhite WickedAlwaysWins BookLover14 and MrDarkOne have been added to the conversation*


TheOnlyQueen: Merry Christmas Henryyyy

PrinceCharming: Ughhh who is this at 3 in the morning?

TheKid: It's Jake from State Farm

PrinceCharming: Jake from planet State Farm how wonderful!

PrinceCharming: WAITTTT who is Jake?

TheKid: I'm joking grandpa, it's me Henry

SnowWhite: Henry why are you up so early? It's 3 o'clock

TheKid: Why are you not up this early is the real question? It's Christmas gotta open them presents

TheOnlyQueen: Yeah! You have to wake up guys!

BookLover14: Why are you so awake Regina?

TheOnlyQueen: Because Hook and Emma stuck Henry at my house

TheOnlyQueen: I've been awake for hours

MrDarkOne: Of course the pirate is still asleep

CaptainGuyliner: I'm right here mate

MrDarkOne: Do not call me mate

Swan: Everyone relax! It's Christmas, it's a time for family to come together

MrDarkOne: We see each other everyday

Swan: Still, we can really bond!

PrinceCharming: I donut want to be close to the pirate any more than I have to

SnowWhite: Why are you two so up and alive?

Swan: Oh us? We went sailing on the Jolly Roger this morning

TheOnlyQueen: Of course you did

InDaHood: Roland wanted me to tell all of you Merry Christmas!

TheOnlyQueen: Merry Christmas my sweet Roland!

WickedAlwaysWins: Hello my beautiful people of Storybrooke!

TheOnlyQueen: Zelena how did you get in here?

WickedAlwaysWins: I added myself to the conversation like a normal person

MrDarkOne: Where are you?

TheOnlyQueen: Somewhere over the rainbow....

WickedAlwaysWins: In Oz thanks to Robbie and Gina

CaptainGuyliner: Haha you got sent back to Oz! I laugh at that!

InDaHood: Donut call me Robbie

PrinceCharming: are we back to the donuts?

WickedAlwaysWins: Where is my baby girl?

TheOnlyQueen: On the other side of the rainbow

InDaHood: HAHAHAHA good one babe!

MrDarkOne: Wow.

TheKid: Back to me, Santa Clause came and he brought my a flat screen tv

BookLover14: That's awesome Henry

WickedAlwaysWins: I want my kid!

TheOnlyQueen: And I want to have kids!

Swan: Everyone needs to calm down!

CaptainGuyliner: Take a chill pill everyone!

TheKid: Guys, it's Christmas lighten up!

MrDarkOne: It also indicates an end to another year!

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