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*TheKid InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming Swan CaptainGuyliner MrDarkOne and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

TheKid: why why why

TheKid: why

TheKid: why

TheKid: who thought running was a good idea for a sport

CaptainGuyliner: what are you bloody talking about

TheKid: track

InDaHood: what is track

TheKid: it is a sport in which you run in, you run round and round and round a specific length of a track laid out for you

CaptainGuyliner: people run?

Swan: yeah, they run for fun

TheOnlyQueen: who in their right mind would run for fun?

PrinceCharming: see i don't run places where I need to be, I ride horses with style

CaptainGuyliner: dave goes horseback riding how cute

TheKid: i was trying to do something with my life and feel accomplished so I signed up for track

MrDarkOne: with all the monsters chasing you in storybrooke, it's basically track

Swan: okay why is that true

MrDarkOne: I speak the truth ms. Swan you would be surprised

CaptainGuyliner: that'll soon be Mrs. Jones

BookLover14: rumple you don't speak the truth what are you talking about

TheKid: i don't like track

TheKid: i hate it

TheKid: like first off do we really have enough kids at our school for a track team

TheKid: and want schools are we going to compete against

TheKid: as far as I know, my school is the only school in storybrooke

TheKid: are we gonna run against trees I mean come on

BookLover14: who is the track coach

TheKid: now that is an interesting question

TheKid: the track coach is granny

SnowWhite: why is she the track coach

TheKid: listen i don't know why or care why, but she cooks us food after practice and I am all here for that

TheKid: but I hate it

TheKid: like who thought it was a good idea to time how fast a person runs

TheKid: what time are we going to time how fast a person walks????¿¿¿

CaptainGuyliner: that why the machines you use to get around town were invented

InDaHood: do you mean a car?

CaptainGuyliner: yes that

InDaHood: I am no longer in town and I know what that is

TheOnlyQueen: honestly I know you are old hook, but you cannot be that old

CaptainGuyliner: I'm sorry I spent my life on the sea

TheOnlyQueen: in fact hook your so old, I'm surprised you know what a shoe is and what clothes are and how to speak

TheOnlyQueen: you were born in caveman days

Swan: Okay, okay Killian might be....older than the rest of us but he looks great for his age

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