Good news! We made it into my house! And my dad said we took on about 2 feet of water and I had to throw away basically everything on my house, but kinda excited to redo my room! Thank y'all for the prayers and concerns!
Also I have made 3 snapchats so far SOOO and I am giving them to y'all now because I posted stuff on their stories!!:
Killy: capguyliner
Swan girl: thesaviorrr
Belleeee: bookloverr14
Have fun
*TheKid InDaHood TheOnlyQueen Swan CaptainGuyliner SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*
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TheOnlyQueen: why is there alcohol in this picture?
TheOnlyQueen: Hook what have you done
CaptainGuyliner: nothing!
TheOnlyQueen: well done hook
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TheKid: the Olympics are on and it's great
MrDarkOne: what are the Olympics?
TheKid: basically it's where a bunch of different countries compete against each other in different sporting events
MrDarkOne: so it's like a world war
MrDarkOne: my kind of competition
TheKid: like all these people in the Olympics inspire me to go for gold and to win a gold medal
TheKid: but then I realize that I am not athletic and will never win gold
TheKid: 'Hen hen wins the gold'
TheKid: a kid can dream
TheKid: hey I can just write in the storybook that I won a gold medal👍🏽