The Ultimate Test

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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne BookLover14 PuppyFur123 and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

PuppyFur123: Hello Darlings

PrinceCharming: Cruella what are you doing here?

PuppyFur123: Calm down Sheriff Chiseled Chin, i just wanted to get in on the fun of the conversation

TheOnlyQueen: How are you texting?

PuppyFur123: Why the same way you are darling, using a phone

TheKid: Okay, does everybody got phones down here or something because everybody dead has a phone

PuppyFur123: I am only done here thanks to your mummy

Swan: Yeah, about that, i am really really sorry and i wish I could take it back

PuppyFur123: Oh that's quite alright your little boy here is going to take care of things

TheKid: Yeah mom I am going to take care of things!

PuppyFur123: Besides I have already enacted revenge on your father!

Swan: Excuse me what?! Have you been drinking too much gin?

PuppyFur123: What I would give for the gin, but no! Me and your father had a little make-out session in the Sheriff's station

Swan: DAD!

CaptainGuyliner: I have lost all respect for you mate, all of it

InDaHood: That is disgusting

MrDarkOne: So that is what you all are doing while I am away making out with Cruella

BookLover14: What are you guys doing in the Underworld? I thought you were rescuing Hook

PrinceCharming: I was acting as James

CaptainGuyliner: Who?

SnowWhite: His evil twin

InDaHood: Right so every time I do something gross and disgusting or evil I can blame my evil twin

InDaHood: Eww gross look, my evil twin Goblin is changing Baby Hood's diaper

PuppyFur123: No he really does have a much more handsome, much more amazing brother James

PrinceCharming: We look the same!

PuppyFur123: I do have a confession though, I could tell that it wasn't James and that it was you David from the beginning

PrinceCharming: Yeah, why didn't you stop

SnowWhite: Gross, you knew it was still him and you continued

TheKid: Well if we confessing things, Cruella after you died I wanted to put 'CRU CRU DeVil, the crazy puppy lady' on your gravestone

PuppyFur123: Well, it's been fun, actually it hasn't been that fun so I am off to find James! Goodbye Darlings!

*PuppyFur123 has left the conversation*

Swan: Confession, I hate her

TheOnlyQueen: I think we all do

InDaHood: I hate you David!

PrinceCharming: Excuse me?

InDaHood: Sorry that was my evil twin Goblin

TheKid: Okay everyone I have the ultimate test/confession/deep task for everyone that will really reveal who we all are

BookLover14: And what is this task Henry

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