*BookLover14 CaptainGuyliner Swan MrDarkOne SnowWhite PrinceCharming TheOnlyQueen InDaHood and TheKid have been added to the conversation*
TheOnlyQueen: Henry! What! What is it?! Are you okay? Is that mean old pirate hurting you?
CaptainGuyliner: Hey! I am not even with him! I am with Emma!
Swan: Henry! What's up kid?
SnowWhite: Henry are you okay?
BookLover14: What's wrong?
MrDarkOne: Everything okay my favorite grandson?
InDaHood: More like only grandson
PrinceCharming: Henry are you okay? Is Guyliner hurting you?
CaptainGuyliner: Hey! We have already been over this I am not even with him!
TheKid: No, guys I am fine I was just going to say that I just died in my video game
TheOnlyQueen: Henry, you had me all worried
TheKid: I was playing Mario Cart and I lost
CaptainGuyliner: What is Mario Cart?
InDaHood: Ooo! Ooo! Is Mario a Mexican?
Swan: No, he's actually Italian! And kid how could you lose at that game it's so easy!
TheKid: Mario Cart, Hook, is a game where you play as a character named Mario and you race against other characters
BookLover14: Guys I got my nails painted blue today!
MrDarkOne: Who cares?
BookLover14: I care Rumple!
SnowWhite: I have begun reading books
BookLover14: Nice use of your time, can I recommend any books to you?
TheOnlyQueen: Who cares about books? Books are boring!
BookLover14: NO THEY ARE NOT!
InDaHood: Wouldn't you rather go see a movie
TheOnlyQueen: I the brand new Storybrooke Movie Theater! At a low cost of just $8.99 you can see whatever movie that you want to see!
PrinceCharming: what is her problem?
InDaHood: I am not sure, since we have gotten all of our new attractions she had been a walking talking advertisement!
SnowWhite: Probably because tourism is going down still
PrinceCharming: oh yeah and that is where my tax money is going
TheKid: Say something I'm giving up on you
Swan: I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
CaptainGuyliner: Anywhere I would have followed you too
Swan: Killybear you kinda did follow me anywhere I went
TheOnlyQueen: What is this American Idol?
BookLover14: Let's make our own games of American Idol
TheOnlyQueen: It's a tv show Belle
BookLover14: I don't care I am making a game about it
SnowWhite: That's right because she works in the library and has a lot of free time
BookLover14: Okay, it'll go like this: you have to sing a line from a song and whatever the line ends with another person has to start the next verse with that ending word for example if it ends with baby, you have to start your line wit baby
Once Upon A Time Texts
FanficText messages between the residents of Storybrooke All characters belong to ABC's Once Upon A Time