Chapter 11: Do You Want It To Be A Date?

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Woah! A/N at the beginning of the chapter? Crazy! Anyway,this will be an incredibly extra-long chapter because of the way I wanted to write it and all the small things count, so grab a snack and something to drink. Enjoy!

After Mackenzie had run to get her 'mystery boy's' number, we talked about him for a bit.

"Well," Mackenzie started. "He has light brown hair, blue eyes, he's Australian, and he is going to college to be a forensic anthropologist."

"Wow, that's a mouthful. For-en-sic an-thro-polo-gist. Ha!"

"Yeah, basically, a forensic anthropologist is someone who, uh...well you know on the show 'NCIS'?"

"Uh, duh!" I say.

"Well, they are the people who try to find out the cause of death of the people," Mackenzie explains.

"Oh! You mean they study bones?"



For the rest of the day, Mackenzie and I just walk around, looking at this beautiful place, London. At about 3 p.m., we decide to head back to our house, seeing as though we both had a very eventful day.

"What are we doing when we get back," Mackenzie ask me about halfway back to our apartment.

"Um, I don't know. What do you suggest?"

"We could invite Dan and Phil for a movie fest?"

"YES! But could we talk to one of our friends first? I miss them."

"Oh my god. That's an amazing idea! Should we call one of them each day for the next few days?"

"Ok. So it's settled. Phone or Skype?"

"Definitly Skype."

When we get back to the apartment, I quickly grab my laptop and load up Skype.

"Who we callin' first?" I ask?

"Uh, how about Kaelynn?"

"Ok. Sounds good." I scroll down to the bottom of the list of my contacts, and click the call button for Kaelynn.

One ring


Two rings


Three rin-

"What do you guys want!"

"Kaelynn! I love you!" I shout towards the laptop as Kaelynn's face pops up in the window. She looks like she just rolled out of her bed, her blue eyes that always look gray, her strawberry-blonde hair in knots.

"Hey, Kaelynn. What's up?" Mackenzie asks.

"Not much. Just talking to Savvy. What about you guys? How is London?"

"Oh, it's great! Guess who we me-," I say, before Kaelynn cuts me off.

"Taylor! Shut up. No one likes you."

"I love yoouuuuuuuu!!!!!" I say.

"London is great. Kaelynn, you will never believe who we met here!"

"Who?" Kaelynn asks.

"Dan and Phil!" Mackenzie and I yell in unison.

"Ok. And?" Kaelynn has never truly understood our love for Dan and Phil's videos.

"Kaelynn, they are our idols," I say.

"Yeah, this is a big moment in our live. And they actually like talking to us. They live right across from Gavin at his apartment."

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