Chapter 13: The Song to Her Heart

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I wake up, aggravated. The 5th time I've woken up tonight. I grab my phone off the bedside table and unlock it, blinded by the light.

5:27 A.M.

Are you fucking serious?! I've only slept for 2 hours! My brain won't shut up. All the things that have happened in the last week keep running through my head. The move, adjusting to life in London, meeting Dan and Phil...


He's the real reason I can't sleep...or concentrate...or think about anything other than him, really.

Yes, I'll admit: I like Dan....a lot.

I mean, he is the most perfect human being in the entire universe and yes, he is insanely hot. His hair is amazing, his body is gorgeous. But his personality? Oh my god. All his little quirks are so cute. He is so articulate, ironic, funny, and geeky. I wish I was as articulate as Dan is, then I would be able to tell him how I feel.

But what am I suppose to do? I mean, I really like him, but he knows that already.



Dan's POV

I can't sleep.

Why the fuck can't I sleep? I enjoy sleep! Sleep is great. If my body would allow it, I'd sleep all day. Unfortunately, human bodies require other necessities, such as food and water, and that is why we have video games and internet.

But why can't I sleep I? I'm not stressed out by anything. I have a good job, great friends, nothing bad going on in my life...besides my broken arm, but that's besides the point.

I roll over and check my clock.

6:15 exactly

Bloody hell! When was the last time I saw that time with 'A.M.' at the end of it? Jesus Christ. I unlock my phone and look through my contacts, passing time. I come across a contact that catches my eye.


Oh wow.

I understand it now. She is the reason I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about her. She is an amazing human. Her personality is balanced perfectly between sweet and kind, and strong and beauty. I only wish she would let those traits shine instead of trying to hide them. She is always so shy and flustered around me, which I also don't understand.


Does...does me?

No, that's not possible. How could someone like her ever like someone like me.

I'm a giant nerd, afraid of the dark, have a stupid haircut, and I'm a procrastinator. I mean, I sound like fucking 'Winnie the Pooh'.

I'm literally the most embarrassing and boring person on the entire planet.


Usually I can state my own opinions very clearly and quite easily, but with's like there are no words for her, like words from the English language aren't even worthy to describe someone like her.

What are you doing, Dan? You can't be thinking of Taylor like that. You've only known her for like, what? A week? You don't even know if she likes you.

After a few minutes, I decide to text Taylor, overcome with boredom.

hey taylor. how did you sleep? -D

I send her the text, expecting her to still be asleep, only to receive a text back from her seconds later.

Eh alright. Not the best sleep ive ever had, but not bad. Wbu? -T

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