Chapter 14: Thanks

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We danced in a circle, swaying side to side, without a care in the world.

Time had no meaning.

Personal problems were of no issue.

It was as if anything that mattered to each of us no longer were of higher importance than this moment in time...


That is, of course until the song ended.

When the song stopped, we ceased our dancing. We sat in silence, and slowly Taylor looked up at me. I've never seen her eyes so bright, so full of light. I cannot believe all the things she has said about her past relationships. Not dancing with a guy or even truly being in a real relationship.



"You've never danced with another guy? No one?"

"Nope, not a single soul," she says matter-of-factly.

"How can you go all through high school and not dance at something like Prom? or Homecoming? No offense, just curiosity. Sorry."

"I don't know. All the boys were exactly that: Boys. Immature, inconsiderate, uncivilized. I had friends like that."

"And...what happened to them?" I ask.

"Well, just like anyone who I found out wasn't truly a friend, we just drifted apart. I use to just want to be friends with everyone. Not for popularity purposes, but because I liked everyone. My parents always said I was different as a kid."

"How so? What did you do that made you stand out from others?"

"When I was in preschool, I had a best friend named Zabrina. We would always hang out together at recess, but we were in different classes, so I always waited on her. Our favorite thing to do was swing on the swing-set. Well, usually we just used one swing because you could't 'save' swings, so when I got outside, I raced to a swing and sat in it, but I didn't swing. I would sit in it until she got outside and let her go first. My parents and teachers always said it was weird to see a kid who was so young show so much patience, but I did it because I always thought people were just that kind. Funny how imaginative a kid's mind can be."

"That's incredible," I saw in complete awe. I've never heard of someone so young, no more than 6 years old be so selfless.

"I never thought so. It was just how I was. Then I found how narcissistic and selfish humans can be, and one day, I decided to stop being like that. I was only like that to people who proved they deserved it," Taylor said, her voice gradually getting softer until it was nothing more than a whisper.

"Well, I don't know why anyone would try to take advantage of someone like you, Taylor."

We stood together for a minute, comfortable, enjoying each others company.

"Dan," Taylor whispered.


" you see...this? anywhere?" Taylor asks, looking up at me.

Do I see this going anywhere?

Do I?

Taylor and I?

I mean, we've only gone on one 'date', if you can even call it that, but yes, I have romantic feelings for her. She is a beautiful, intelligent, young lady, and I love being around her.

Do I see us becoming romantically involved? But do I see a future with her?


Taylor pulls me out of my thoughts with the sound of her now soft voice.

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