- I'm Trying ...

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Victoria and Iyasia in MM (Victoria on the left, Iyasia on the right)

Iyasia (Eye- Asia)

I rubbed my eyes and threw my arms up in defeat as my alarm clocks extremely annoying buzzing filled my room. I had gotten no sleep the past few days being that I lost my job. I'm twenty years old and no where near where I expected to be in my life. I'm not only living for me but my twelve year old sister as well. Honestly, she's all I've got and vice versa. Our father was nothing but a disgusting memory of our past and our mother passed away last year, something we both still have trouble dealing with.

"Victoria wake up" I whispered as I shook her a little. "You're gonna be late for school. Why do I have to wake you up everyday I gave you an alarm clock for a reason. Does it not work?"

She groaned as she turned away from me. "It works, I just turn it off when it goes off. I don't get why I have to go to school everyday. I don't learn anything Asia you said so yourself"

I sighed as I ripped the comforter off of her. "I know what I said then, what I'm saying now is you still have to. You talk about high school all the time and you're never gonna make it there if I keep letting you stay home now get up get showered up and I'll make you breakfast. You have 45 minutes."

Vic is right, they don't teach you anything in school these days. They force you to memorize information for their standardized test just so you can get a passing grade and the minute that test is over you don't remember anything about it. It's completely fucking stupid if you ask me but what kind of "guardian" would I be if I allowed her to flunk out of school.

"Asia after school can we do something?" She asked while eating the French toast and eggs I made for her.

"Like what? Vic you know we don't have money like that. Just enough to get by. It'll get better I promise." I said kind of doubting myself. I pray it'll get better but it seems to only get worse. It's one thing after another. I wouldn't be so hard on myself if I was just looking out for me but I got Vic depending on me too and she's being deprived of her childhood cause I can't get my shit together.

"When Asia?!" She semi yelled. "We don't ever get to do anything! We eat the same thing everyday, it's the same routine everyday! Wake up go to school, come home do homework, pray and go to sleep! This is bullshit!" I started to stop her right there but decided against it. "I don't get to do half of what my friends do! Matter fact I don't have any friends! The only one I had doesn't even want to talk to me because people bully her for being with me! I wear the same thing every single day." She started to talk in almost a whisper as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Asia it wasn't perfect when we had mommy but it was better than this." She said now crying hysterically. "We need her back Asia, I need her back."

I wrapped my arms around her and tilted my head to the ceiling to conceal the tears threatening to fall my from my eyes. "I'm sorry Vic, I'm trying man. You know I'm trying, I miss her too but we gotta be strong. She taught us everything except how to live without her, I'm learning just like you." I kissed her forehead as I rocked her back and forth until her crying calmed. "Go get back in bed and when you wake up we'll go see that new movie House."

She laughed as she wiped her eyes. "It's called Home A"

I scrunched my face up at her. "Home, house, apartment, condo. Same concept, you wanna go see it?"

She flashed the smile that reminded me so much of our mother. "Yes! As soon as I wake up!" I smiled back. "As soon as you wake up." I assured her.

She hugged and thanked me as she ran off to her room and I sat at the table with my head in my hands. I don't have the money for the movies but I'm tired of disappointing her. I guess I'll just figure it out. My mother always did...

So guys this is my first story ever in life lmfao but I've been thinking about doing this for a while.

Leave lots of comments and tell me what you think.

Tell me what could be better.

Thoughts on Asia?

Thoughts on Victoria?

- Yoyo ❤️

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