- Its About To Get Crazy

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I had been home for a few hours and all I had done is sulk in my sorrows. I know I can't hide forever and I can't hide from August's wrath forever but I definitely could tell him now while he was like this. All I know is that I missed him and feel terrible that he's stuck in a hospital bed because of me.

I decided to stop by the hospital and see how he was doing.

When I walked into the hospital room it was empty and I just assumed everyone had gone for dinner or something. August was still sleep but he looked bothered, he didn't look as peaceful in his sleep as usual.

"Baby.." I kissed August and he moved around in his sleep.

"Baby wake up." I kissed him again and once his eyes fluttered open at landed on me he immediately tensed up and he jaw clench. Naturally I stepped away from his bed, not sure what was going on. His eyes were locked on me and they were filled with so much hatred before he looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

"Where you been?" He said barely above a whisper but so clearly it sent a surge of fear through my body.

"I've...I been home baby, I'm sorry for not coming earlier but you said you ain't wanna see me so I decided to just give you space." I smiled weakly.

He chuckled and shot his head in my direction holding the same look as before. "Lie again." He said through clenched teeth.

Though he didn't yell the base he held in his voice and the look in his eye had me beyond terrified.

"August what you talking about?" I laughed. "I got your gift, I loved it. When did Vic tell you my birthday? She talked so much" I smiled and walked over to the side of his bed.

In that very second my airways were closed shut and I was unable to breath as he wrapped his hand around my neck with all his strength and pulled me into his face.

"She told me right after she forgot to mention that you were a hoe, now lie again!" He spat. "You disgusting as fuck, because of yo past you coulda fooled me into thinkin you'd learn how to keep your fucking legs closed but I guess that just gives you all the more reason to keep dem bitches cocked wide the fuck open huh. You don't discriminate do you, young and old." He tightened his grip around my neck and tears viciously rolled down my cheek and he released his grip from around my neck pushing me back.

I cuffed my neck trying to catch my breath and take in what just happened.

"You foul dawg, you foul as fuck!" He spat at me.

"August you have no right to put your fucking hands on me!" I finally got my breathing in order to say.

"Oh but Aubrey does?" He laughed in such a evil and hate filled way I questioned if this was really even August I was talking to.

Once I realized what he was hinting at I felt my heart drop to my feet. I have no idea how he ever found out and I definitely didn't intend for him to find out this way at this time.

Tears were falling from my eyes uncontrollably as I inched my way over to his bed.

"August just listen to me." I pleaded.

"Ion wanna hear nothin dat you gotta say outcha dick filled mouth." He said bluntly.

That hurt like hell. Hurt that he would think I would do something like that with someone else when I hadn't even done it with him.

"You're just trying to hurt me August." I whispered.


"You're just trying to hurt me August." She whispered.

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