- Cant Catch A Break..

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Aria(top left), Asia(top right), Jasmine(middle right), August(bottom left), Kyonna(bottom right).


I laid in bed and waited on August for about half an hour but I desperately needed some medicine, I'd thrown up twice since he left. I texted him asking where he was but didn't get a respond so I decided to go to cvs myself and see what was going on and to get some medicine. Once I arrived August's car was in the parking lot but he was no where around, not in the store, not anywhere. After I purchased my medicine I went back to get in my car to call August again and that's when I seen a lady crying coming from the alley behind Cvs.

When she explained what was going on I knew I had to help so I got my hand gun out of my car that I purchased once I broke up with Aubrey but I didn't expect to actually use that gun on Aubrey this morning.

"August please wake up I can't carry you." I cried as I dragged him to my car that I had parked in the cut near the alley.

I finally got him in the car and ran over to a near by garbage can to throw up. It was nothing but clear liquid because I hadn't ate and I felt weaker after each time.

I sighed and stood up walking back into the alley to get the girl August mentioned. I don't know who she is to him but I couldn't leave her.

"Baby girl, come on." I mumbled as I untied her and dragged her. I fell in the process of dragging her and cried out of frustration.

"I can't." I cried into my hands. I didn't have time to sit here and keep crying but I was beyond frustrated.

I got back up and continued to drag her until I got her in the car in the backseat.

"Okay." I sighed, wiping my eyes. I started up the engine and headed to the nearest hospital.

Once I arrived and both August and the girl Asia were being taken care of I looked through August phone to see who I should call.

I immediately noticed Jasmines name. His bestfriend, so I tapped the call icon and waited for her to answer.

"August why are you calling me dude it's 7am." She whined.

"Oh um Jasmine, this is Aria."

"Oh Aria wassup where's August?"

"Um he's in the hospital, Bethesda hospital. Um he's here with a girl. I'm not sure if you know her but her names Asia. I'll explain everything once you come."

"Oh my god what the fuck!" I heard shuffling through the phone. "I gotta call kyonna, fuck! We'll be there." She said and hung up.

I sighed and slumped into the chair next to August's bed. I felt nauseous again but had no energy to throw up so I took deep breaths.

The nurse knocked on the door before entering.

"Hello, who are you to the patient? Girlfriend?" She asked while checking his vitals. I could see she had an attitude since I'd been here and I wasn't up for it.

"Sister." I replied simply.

She chuckled and mumble something under her breath and right as I was about to respond Jasmine and I'm guessing Kyonna walked in. The nurse finished what she was doing and nodded leaving the room.

"What happened?!" They both said breathlessly rushing over to August.

I sighed and went on to explain as much of the story that I knew to them. I didn't know why this happened or the relationship between them all I only knew what I saw.

"So aubreys dead?" Jasmine asked and I nodded my head while coughing.

"You went out there throwing up all over the place? You need to be in a damn hospital bed too." Kyonna chuckled causing Jasmine and I to laugh.

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