- Ill Handle It

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Yal was so konfuzed last chapter 😂 I was like my po babies. Didn't want yal going to sleep konfuzed so I updated another chapter cause IM DA REALEST.

Enjoy ❤️


I laid in bed beating myself up about not telling August everything. I was honestly spooked the fuck out. While I was putting up a fight with the intruder I was able to lift his mask for a quick second and I'm almost positive it was the guy who tried to kidnap Asia, but it couldn't be him because he was dead right?

I never got the full story of what was going on but now I see it's not over. I didn't want to be in the middle of it and I didn't want to worry August but I'd feel like shit if something happened and I didn't say anything I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"August wake up."

He groaned.

"August please wake up I need to tell you something."

"Aria fuck man. It can't wait until the morning. Damn."

"August it can't! Wake up!"

He rolled over facing me but never opening his eyes.

"I'm listening Aria."

"August there's something I didn't tell you about the break in." I sighed.

His eyes flew open and he sat up. "Gon on."

I closed my eyes before I spoke. "August I've seen that guy before."

"Thought you said you ain't see his face?"

"I saw it briefly."

"Okay and you know him?"

"Not know him. I've seen him though. That day in the alley. The man who took Asia."

He scrunched his face up at me. "Aria it's too early in the morning for the bullshit. Asia's dad? He's dead."

"August I know but it was his face I'm not bullshitting you! I know he's dead but he was here and now-" I broke down.

He pulled me into his embrace. "Aria calm down, why you ain't tell me?"

"I'm scared. I have this feeling that the shit in the alley is just the beginning."

He sighed and grabbed his phone and started dialing.

"Who are you calling?"

"Asia, see if she know anything."

I nodded and got up to go use the rest room. I was honestly terrified of what could've happened to me if August hadn't came home when he did. I'm wondering if I wasn't the target and if it was Asia. Maybe I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way I was in it now and there was nothing I could do.

I finished up in the bathroom and headed back to the room but stopped at the door hearing August's conversation.

"Asia why would she lie?!" He spat.

"To make me mad at you? You're not making sense A! How the hell would that make me mad at you?"

"I'm only mad right now because you're pointing fingers calling people liars when the problem is bigger than that! This is your fucking battle I'm just trying to look out!" He hung up the phone and threw it on the bed in frustration.

I entered the room and sat on the bed in front of him. "August I know what I saw, I mean I don't know but I do. I know I saw that man I just don't know how." I shrugged.

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