- Trust Me ....

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Miyah(left) and Jasmine(right) in MM 😎😊 petty labelle is what they call me.


It was nice seeing August today, refreshing. August and I had been best friends since middle school. He knew everything about me and vice versa. We were inseparable. That is until we got to our senior year in high school. August confessed to me the feelings he had for me. Not gonna lie August was beautiful, perfect almost. For some reason I just was never attracted to him that way, or any male for that matter. Of course that being my best friend I never wanted to hurt him so I gave "us" a shot so to speak. That was until I met her. Miyah. She was the most beautiful thing, she was curvy in all the right places with a mocha complexion. I fell for her quickly and suddenly my life got way too complicated. There I was stuck in between the girl of my dreams and my best friend turned boyfriend who I'd never want to hurt. That's why I left. I up and left August with hopes that he'd find someone better. My heart and mind wasn't in the right place, so I did what I thought was best.

"Baby?" I said looking over at Miyah. When I ran into August she and I were having breakfast and I could already tell that me leaving to talk to August pissed her off.

"Who was he?" She said without looking at me.

I sighed, choosing my words wisely before I spoke. "An old friend Miyah, I met him back in middle school and we lost touch in highschool when I left for Atlanta with you."

"That's all there is to it? Jasmine don't start lying to me again or so help you God."

Miyah and I had been together for about three years and I must say the first few months of our relationship was shit. I got my first taste of a female and it was over from there. I cheated on Miyah multiple times with multiple females and honestly I thank god everyday for her sticking with me cause I'm in love with her. See, Miyah is bisexual and I thank the heavens she's never stepped out on me especially with a man. That's what I loved about her. When she told me she forgave me, she really meant it and never saw fit to get back at me.

I bit the inside of my lip before I talked "He was my bestfriend, our senior year in high school we started dating. Now I've met you, dated you, love you, so really none of that matters."

"None of that matters?!" She yelled. "Jasmine you told me you didn't fucking like men! Have you been cheating on me with men too? You're so full of secrets and that's bullshit because you stay on my ass about honesty! You're full of shit!" She yelled as we pulled in our drive way and she got out slamming the door. I killed the engine and got out to follow behind her. I snatched her by her arm and turned her around.

"Miyah listen! Damn. I dated him because he was my bestfriend and I didn't want to hurt him not because I was attracted to him. I don't fucking like men, never have, never will. Please just chill out babe, I love you okay?"

She fiddled with her fingers before looking up at me. "I don't want to have to kill you Jasmine, okay? I love you too."

I smiled pulling her closer to me and kissed her.

"Lets go inside so we can play Grand Theft Auto." I smiled.

"Can I drive around the city and beat up people?" She asked seriously.

"That's all you do anyway, violent ass." I mumbled before we went in the house.

"Better act like you know, I'm with the shits." She laughed.


"Baby, why you acted like dat wit Jasmine? She was my bestfriend." August said as he came and sat next to me on the couch.

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