- Reunited ...

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Iyasia(left), August(middle), Jasmine(right)

*a few weeks later*


"Baybeh wake up." I shook her a little.

She didn't respond.

"Asia fucking wake up!" I yelled.

She jumped out of her sleep looking around.

"August what the fuck do you want? How the fuck did you get in my house?" She said laying back down and blowing her hair out of her face

"Baby I'm hungry man please get up and fix me something." I pointed at myself gesturing how skinny I am.

Keep calm though, operation skinny awoke is in the works.

"August are you serious? Who let you in my house? It's too early."

"Um baby girl, it's 12pm." She jumped out of bed dashing to the bathroom.

"August I have to take Vic to school!" She said in a panic.

I walked in the bathroom and snaked my arms around her leaving wet kisses down her neck.

"Bae that's taken care of just take care of me." I whispered in her ear while I let my hands linger till they were in front of her pearl, rubbing her from outside her shorts.

She threw her head back and bit down on her bottom lip. "August-" she moaned.

I stepped back walking away from her and into the living room. "I want pancakes and eggs baybeh, maybe some bacon." I yelled back at her.


I stared in the bathroom mirror for a second feeling dumb for falling for that. I was completely soaked. Honestly, his whole "I want to wait until we're established" speech made me feel a little insecure. Like maybe there was something bad about the way I looked and he was just trying to hold off as long as possible. What scares me even more is I know how beautiful my man is. August is literally perfect. He could have any woman and that always made me insecure. I don't know why I felt like this and maybe that's why I was so open to give myself to him sexually, so he couldn't go exploring and find someone else to do it for me.

"Fuck you! Make your own breakfast." I yelled as I stormed past him sitting on the couch as far away from him as possible.

"Baybeh I got you all hot and bothered?" He flashed his pearly whites revealing those dimples and I melted even further than I already had.

"August just leave me alone." I crossed my arms staring straight at the tv.

He got up and stood directly in front of me.

"Asia I'm sorry ma. Just let me take you out for breakfast okay?" He pleaded.

"No get the fuck away from me August. I don't want your breakfast. I want to know who is the bitch!" I yelled now standing him directly in fronting him.

He stepped back looking at me like I had two heads.

"Bitch? Fuck is you talm bout man."

"The bitch that got you so satisfied that you feed me that bullshit about wanting to be established before you can make love to me! Me! Your girlfriend." I yelled.

"First of all lower yo fuckin tone wit me aight?" He said stepping close to me. So close I was afraid I couldn't even think without him hearing my thoughts.

"Second of all, ain't no bitch! I got to much respect for you to just be fucking you off rip especially knowin yo past. I fuck hoes without a second thought, I fuck hoes in a quick second! So you wanna be treated like a hoe then have it your fuckin way! Go in the room undress be naked by the time I get in there and I'll come in get me a lil quickie in and send you on your fucking way! How the fuck does that sound?" He said through clenched teeth.

I felt like a little girl being scolded by her father. I felt terrible for starting up an argument about sex. I just wanted August in that way, craved him in that way. To make it even worse I considered taking him up on his offer and going in the room and waiting on him naked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered with my head down.

He lifted my head and forced me to look him in his eyes. "Iyasia, I been telling you I got you and to trust me. This accusation shit ain't got work ya heard me?"

I nodded my head and tried to break eye contact before he pulled me closer crashing his lips into mine. It felt like we'd been kissing for forever before he pulled back and looked at me.

"Go get dressed, we going to iHop" he said.

I smiled before kissing him and running off to get dressed. We were only going for breakfast so I decided on a simple white crop top and a long pink skirt. I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I got dressed and we were headed out.


"Damn bae you eat like a grown ass man" August laughed while watching me eat.

I stale face him and then crossed my arms across my chest pouting.

"Cut that pouting shit out Asia."

"Well then stop being-"

I was quicky and rudely interrupted by a woman who approached our table.

"August?" She said

I looked in between the both of them trying to figure out what was going on.

"Jasmine?!" He said smiling widely and getting up to hug her.

"Oh my god August it's been so long how've you been?" She stepped back looking him up and down.

"I been cool man, where da fuck you been? I been doing big thangs Jas, I finally opened up dat shop I used ta always tell you bout. I thought I'a never see you again bruh, you went MIA"

She smiled. "August that's great did you name it what we used to talk about?"

"Beauties and Cuties." They both said at the same time before cracking up.

"Ah-hem" I cleared my throat.

"Oh shit, um Jasmine this my girl Asia, Asia this is Jasmine my old bestfriend."

Jasmine hit him upside the head.


"Damn Jasmine your man hands dawg. I told you bout that shit. You act like you ain't go MIA on a nigga for 2 years."

"Anyway!" I cut into their conversation. "I'm Asia, his girlfriend, like he said."

She smiled big as hell. Fuck was she so happy for.

"I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you." She held out her hand for me to shake it.

I nodded and reached in my purse pulling out the money for the bill and sitting it on the table. I got up brushing past Jasmine.

"I'll see you in the car in five?" I looked at August.

He rolled his eyes and nodded as I walked out the restaurant. Low key, Jasmine made me nervous. She was absolutely beautiful and her and August had history. She already had a one up on me. And just because they used to the title best friend doesn't mean that they don't have history in that way and plus August never mentioned her to me before so this is all new. I looked back into the restaurant and seen both August and Jasmine with the biggest smiles on their faces and in deep conversation. I walked to the car and got in, putting my head back in the seat.

I hope this isn't gonna be a problem, but August said he got me and I need to trust him and I'll have to try to do just that.

Hey y'all, wazzammmm?

Asia wanting to make love to aug?

How y'all feel about Jasmine?

Asia being rude?



- Yoyo ❤️

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