Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"No thanks," I confidently say. He raises an eyebrow and I gulp down my nerves. "I don't want to seem rude, but can I have some privacy?" He doesn't say anything and I head back to the bathroom. I close the bathroom door and try to grab a hold of myself. I sigh and quickly change.

Once I'm done changing he's gone. I sigh in relief but am a little disappointed. Not the sex part but where we can at least have a normal conversation. I go to my bed a find a note. I pick it up and start reading it.

Dear Disney Girl,

Sorry for intruding out of nowhere and scarring the shit out of you. Hopefully a date will be enough to explain my sorrow. Really would have liked to mark you as my territory Disney girl, I'll pick you up at 8 so get ready.


I drop the note and stare at it blankly. What's up with him? How could he be attracted to someone like me? Is he even? Maybe this is all a bet and he's just playing with my feelings. 8:00? What does he want to do at that time?

I sit in my bed and let out a big sigh. I don't want to go anywhere at that time. I just want to be left alone for a while to think. That's all I want to do now and I can never be left alone. My heart is aching. It hurts for some reason and it won't heal fast enough.

Ross. That's all I think about. What if that incident really was a misunderstanding? Maybe I was too ignorant to actually hear what he was going to say. Maybe he was forced to do something like that. I wipe the few tears that slide through my face.

He was the one I wanted to be with the rest of my life. Enjoy every second of it and to feel his kisses and warm hugs. Now I'll never experience that again. It's over now and it hurts so badly. He's too far away from me now. I was too mean with him and I couldn't help it.

Guessing and regretting won't do much and I need to move on. I need to know the real reason to be at ease and move on. I heard it once but I ran away. This time I need to hear all of it. I can't keep depressing over one wrong love story.

I grab my phone and text Ross. My hands are shaking trying to press the send button. The courage for me to press send finally awakes me and I press send. This is it. Now I have to wait for his response and this time there's no going back.


I arrive at the place we decided to meet up. The park is nice and quiet with the clouds drifting apart. The trees are as green as ever as the birds chirp along. I sit in a bench near the pond. This is it. He's here. My heart starts pounding and I feel like my palms are sweating. I can't even look at him in the face as he sits next to me. I promised myself to be direct about everything.

He sits next to me and says, "Hey," I look at his eyes for the first time again and my stomach drops. He's so genuine when it comes to serious stuff like this. "Hey," I say and smile. He chuckles and that makes me happy for some reason. "It's been a while since we've had a normal greeting." I laugh a bit and I agree with him.

"You want to go for a walk?" he asks. I nod and we both stand up. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I bite my lower lip and say, "So far after our breakup I haven't been in ease, and to move on I need to hear everything about what happened that day so we can have a proper break up."

He brushes his hair with his hands and I know him too well to know that he is nervous. "I've wanted to talk about this too," he says. He looks up at the sky and I do too. "I wasn't cheating to be honest and it hurt to lie about it too," he says.

I turn my head and see that he's not lying. I'm confused that it makes me want to question everything but I have to stay calm and not rush him. "What do you mean?" I ask with my hushed voice. I don't feel like looking at him directly so I look at the ground as we walk.

I notice he stops walking and when I lift up my head and I see that a few tears fall down his face. I freeze not knowing what to do. I then rush to him and wrap my arms around him. I don't know why I'm doing this but it seems so natural. It feels so odd feeling his warm chest with mine. He wraps his arms around me too and he sobs.

This breaks me to pieces and I can't help but cry too. "What's wrong?" I say sobbing still wrapping myself around him. He doesn't say anything and I come back to my senses and pull back. He then pulls me back tightly and whispers in my ear, "Please stay like this for a while, I don't want to let you go again,"

My heart sinks and I want to tell him how I truly feel but I can't like this. My feelings are all over the place. He the pulls away and we look at each other. His eyes are puffy and I wipe them off. "I don't think this talk got anywhere," I chuckle. He laughs along and I check my watch to read that it's 7:30.

My eyes widen and I totally forgot about Sam but I don't want to leave Ross at a state like this. "Is something wrong?" He asks so gently. "Sorry it's just I had to do something at 8," I bite down my lips. He lifts up my head so gently it sends butterfly's to my stomach. "We can finish this another time," he smiles.

"You sure you're ok?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "Ok but if you need anything just text me, it feels nice to have your trust again," I smile and walk away. He waves goodbye and we walk our own paths from there.


Another update yay (:

Hey guys hopefully this chapter puts everyone at ease.

QOTC (question of the chapter): Do you think it was good that Laura built up the courage to talk about what happened that time to Ross?

Answer your thoughts on the comments (:

I think I'll be doing these QOTC because I would love to hear your thoughts and that's like a feedback to me (:


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