Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Ross POV*

We dropped of Laura and headed home. The ride was quiet enough that Rydel could hear my thought. As we got home we still didn't talk, we just went to our room. Rocky was home watching t.v while Riker was practicing in the basement.

Mom and Dad were out I guess, Ryland was who knows were and it felt normal like any other family. I put my keys down on the bed and rested for a minute or so. After that I got my towel and some new fresh clothe.

In the shower I was quiet. Cat must've got my tongue. I usually sing in the shower, now it was just the water hitting my pale body and my blonde hair. When I got out I wrapped the towel around my waist and dried my hair with a smaller towel.

I saw that Rydel put a bag in my bed. I grabbed it and looked inside, a yellow Hollister shirt, bleached rip jeans , with a note beside- Get Your own shoes Mr. Fashion expert. I laughed. I decided on wearing my converse since it matches with everything.

I was ready to go. I put some cologne and headed toward the living room. "God lord is that Ross I see?" Rocky said as I got to the living room. "No shit bro," I said pushing him off the couch.

"Is Rydel Ready?" I asked.

"I don't know she was blowing her hair I guess since I heard the blow-dryer,"

"Oh, Ok. Well she better hurry up,"

"Yea because all that noise she's making doesn't let me hear a word on the t.v,"


An hour passed and it was 7:45. Laura must be alone in the party and I'm here waiting for Rydel. What am I saying; she's a good friend .A friend who doesn't like you. Shut up Ross!! "I'm going to check on her," I said to Rocky. "Yea... Sure," he said. He wasn't even paying attention to me.

"Rydel Hurry up! For god sakes!" I yelled. That's when I saw her sitting there on the bed with her phone on her hand. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" I said to her. "What?" she asked. "You were ready this whole time?"

"No I was ready 20 minutes ago," she corrected me. "What are you waiting for? Come on were late." I said grabbing her hand. She yanked it away. She looked at me as if I were missing something. "We can't go yet," she said. "What? Why not?' I asked.

"Ell isn't ready yet," she said. "Oh so this is what it's all about huh?!" I asked her. Like are you kidding me? Ell this! Ell that! Give it a fucking break! " I texted Laura were going to be late so don't worry." She said trying to make me feel better.

"No you're going to be late!" I practically yelled it toward her. "Come on Ross don't get this way it's Ell," "It's not Ell who's my problem it's you! See you at the party and I hope your "Boyfriend" gives you a ride home." I said with anger through my blood. I never been this way and I don't get why.

I got out her room, went into my room, got my keys and jacket, and headed out. So tired of this bullshit. "Got big sister bad didn't you?" Rocky asked still looking at the t.v. Hearing that made me feel bad. Maybe because of the way he said. "Yea, I should apologize," I said looking down; ashamed. Me? Like really me? Did I yell at my Older Sister, someone who I love so much?

"You really should but you're lucky your big bro is going to clean up your mess," he said finally looking towards me. "Thanks but I ..." I tried to say. "You got a girl waiting for you and you're late, so get the fuck out," he said sarcastically while laughing.

I blushed a bit even though I promised myself I wouldn't do that again. Guess I still like her- shut up Ross! Got in the car and headed to the party. I was not in the mood but I guess thinking of Laura clears those thoughts.

Life is hard and cruel but she always makes it better. She was the only reason I came.

**** Authors Note!!!****

End of chapter 5! Took forever and its short so sorry, but anyway did u like? Ross POV though.

The KCA!!!!! Laura!!! Ross!!! Raura!!!!


Who knew my dream came true of Laura wearing A crop top with a skirt. Sorta like my story. I hope she wears clothe like that in the near future. ;)

So follow my IG: Adorkablepickle


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With Love Yoaliivette

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