Chapter One

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HELLO! I have encountered a serious writer's block brick wall in my novel, so, for the time being, I have returned to the fan-fiction universe. I have no idea how often chapters here will be updated, but, meh, I'll figure it out.

Now, as promised, the full summary:

On his way to the library, Edward is kidnapped by multiple unknowns and taken to an underground laboratory, where, after many painful Transmutations, he is turned into a Wolf-Chimera. After being rescued by Maes, he is determined that no one, not even Al, can find out about him. But, as time passes by, it becomes harder to cope with, and he realizes he has to tell someone. The question is, who can he trust enough to keep his secret.

This story is obviously a Chimera!Ed story, but it's not like Nina-type chimeras, think more of Darius, Heinkel, Jerso and Zampano from Brotherhood/the manga. It's like that. In any case, this story is not one of romance or anything mushy like that. All the same, the pairings are as follows:

Parental Maes!Ed. Abusive Roy!Ed, Parental Riza!Ed, and whatever comes to me along the way.

Disclaimer: Why I need to have a disclaimer on a fanfiction site is beyond me, but anyway, I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, or any of the characters. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot.


Someday you'll know the pain
Someday the light will break through
And nothing you tell yourself
Will save us from the truth

Screaming out!

~Sick (Evanescence)


"I want them found!" Mustang bellowed, slamming his hands on his desk. His staff were all stunned into silence; he'd never, ever, reacted to anything with this kind of ferocity. Never had they witnessed him lose all of his carefully constructed control in such a manner, especially not in this kind of situation. But dammit, something here felt so wrong.

"S-sir." Lieutenant Hawkeye stuttered, before recomposing herself. If anything, at least he could count on her to keep her cool. "I'm sure Edward is fine, sir. He's gone missing before, and for much longer periods of time. He'll most likely report back in a few days, sir."

"Lieutenant, something is wrong. I feel it in my bones. It's been a week since anyone has seen or heard from him or his brother. Something's happened to them, and I want to know what. I want them back here." He said. He knew there was no way he could explain this feeling of dread in a way that would make logical sense to anyone other than himself, but he just knew that there was something really, really bad happening, right now. The dread clawed at his gut, and it made him feel sick.

"Sir, you know those boys, they're perfectly capable of-" She began, but Mustang cut her off.

"Hawkeye they were supposed to report in to western H.Q days ago. It was a very simple mission, go to West City, catch the criminal, come back. It should not have taken them this long. I'm telling you, Hawkeye, something's wrong."


No matter how much pain he was in, Edward refused to give his captors the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

He was on his knees, wrists shackled above his head to the wall behind him. His shirt had been removed, and his braid had been cut off. He missed the weight of it on his back. He also missed -and he never thought he would ever think this- his auto-mail arm. This new, flesh arm that had been Transmuted to his body was foreign and felt so wrong because it wasn't his arm. And it wasn't his leg. He didn't want to know where his captors had found the arm and leg, or how they had got them, because thinking about it made him sick, but wearing someone else's arm and someone else's leg made him feel disgusting and violated. Of course, that violated feeling could have been because of the actual violation he had experienced throughout that days that he had been down here (he wasn't actually sure where he was, but for now he was willing to refer to it as 'down').

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