Chapter Two

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First of all, those of you who started reading when I first posted this, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I WAS NOT EXPECTING SO MANY REVIEWS SO QUICKLY! *gives you all bags of cookies* But, just so you know, for those of you who read the author's note at the start, where I said I was going to try to do Parental Roy!Ed...yeah...that went down the drain pretty quickly...I changed my mind. I've switched it so that it now reads as Abusive Roy!Ed, and that's what it's gonna be. Sorry to all of you who were hoping I'd see it through...

Also, sorry about the wait. FFN was being really poopy, and whenever I tried to get onto my account, it would redirect me to '503 Error, there is no server to provide you with this site' and all that crap. So, to make up for it, this chapter is just a teensy bit longer than it was originally going to be.

Also, in case you're interested, the lyrics below (see below), are there because it's something new I'm trying. I read a book series (well, technically trilogy, it was The Infernal Devices if you're interested), where, at the beginning of each chapter, there would be a section from a poem that related to the content of the chapter, and I really enjoyed it. However, I'm not that into poetry, but I am, however, into music. So basically, there will be lyrics to a song at the start of every chapter. I would also suggest listening to said song during the reading of the chapter, for obvious reasons.

Also, they won't always be Evanescence songs. The lyrics for this chapter and last just happened to be Evanescence songs that just happened to fit. Next one is going to be a song by Skillet or Three Days Grace. The songs are really similar and I'm still debating the use of either one.

And on with the chapter!


Goodnight, sleep tight
No more tears
In the morning I'll be here
And when we say goodnight,
Dry your eyes
Because we said goodnight,
And not goodbye

~Goodnight (Evanescence)


Roy Mustang was furious. Ever since Edward had gone missing, just over a month and a half ago, he had been worried sick. But now that Edward was back, instead of the feeling of relief he'd been expecting, all he felt was rage. The kid had been missing for weeks, and when he was found he looked as though nothing had even happened to him during that time. There were a few bruises around his shoulders and one cracked rib, but that was all, and Ed said that that was just from being captured.

Hughes' team had gone down into the room where Maes had found Ed, and they had recovered countless files concerning Edward and about twelve other people. Of these twelve people, all of them had been successfully been turned into chimeras of various kinds, and they had all been dated so that Roy could get an accurate estimate of how long it had taken for each person to be Transmuted, and that time was about a month. Edward had been down there a month and a half, minimum. Yet there he claimed that they hadn't experimented on him yet. Roy didn't believe him. He had gone through all of Edward's files that had been found at the scene, and there appeared to be pages missing. The first few pages were dated the day he had been reported missing by Alphonse, and then there were gaps. From what Roy could gather, there was at least one page per day, or one per two, and there were roughly seven or eight dates missing from the whole collection.

He hadn't read extensively each page, mainly just the dates and some of the photographs; he had handed them over to Maes to investigate before he had had the chance, but he didn't like what he was seeing. All evidence suggested that Edward should have been like the others, yet he wasn't. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with him at all.

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