Chapter Five

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Hello. Little bit of plot development in this chapter, as far as Ed's case goes. Also, I'm not sure if what I've also got counts as Royai or not...Let me know, will ya?

Thanks. Also, for all those on Wattpad, yes, I did draw the picture myself. Let me know what you think of that, too. :)


Oh, you can't hear me cry

See my dreams all die
From where you're standing
On your own.
It's so quiet here
And I feel so cold
This house no longer
Feels like home.

~So Cold (Ben Cocks)


Riza waited impatiently inside the elevator, tapping her foot. The Colonel had called her in this morning for a 'Code Blue' emergency. Over the years, since she had started working under his command, she had memorized all of his codes, systems and emergency (and non emergency) protocols, so the second she had heard his voice say it over the phone she knew immediately there was something bad happening that he didn't want anyone else to know about. It was only six in the morning, and she hadn't encountered anyone else inside Central H.Q, but that was good. It meant there was no one to hold her up in her hurry. She gasped in exasperation when the elevator finally 'tinged', and she stepped out quickly. She could not afford to be slow this morning. Code Blue meant that Mustang had discovered some kind of corruption within the military. She knew that in a powerful hierarchy such as the Amestrian Military there would always be corruption, but Code Blue meant that that corruption had been taken to the next level.

Quickening her pace, she entered the Colonel's office without knocking and went straight to his desk. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, staring furiously at a photograph. His eyes were so narrow they were barely slits, and he jumped in his seat when he realized she was there. "You called Code Blue sir?" She stated.

"Yeah, look at this photo Lieutenant." He said, handing it to her. She took it in her hand and looked at it, frowning. It was one of the photographs from the documents that had been recovered in the basement where Edward had been found, little over a week ago. It was one of the many pictures depicting Ed's rape, and Hawkeye swallowed back bile. She had had to look at all of these already, in order to assist with Ed's case. She didn't want to look at it again.

"What about it, sir?" She asked after a moment, not understanding what she was supposed to be looking at.

"In the top left corner. You can barely see it, but if you look closely..." He trailed off, letting her find it for herself.

She did as he said. The photo had been taken from a distance. In the very center, you could see Edward chained to the wall, arms raised above and beside his head. His eyes had been blindfolded with black cloth, and his bangs hung beside his face. You could see tear tracks staining his cheeks. On top of him you could see a man with brown hair cropped short, with wide shoulders and muscular arms. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt that clung tightly to his big frame, and his was straddling Edward's hips. Around them was mostly blurry black, but, with a stab of shock, she saw blue in the corner Mustang had asked her to look. It was barely noticeable if you didn't know what you were looking for, but once she found it, it all became so much clearer. The blue blob became more rectangular, and that rectangle became a body shape, and then that body shape became military uniform. "Oh my God..." She whispered, the hand not holding the photo moving absently to cover her mouth in horror.

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